Kylie is sick. She has an awful cough, sneezing, and she threw up once last night. I rocked her, fed her, and comforted her all night. I only got 2.5 hours of sleep last night. I slept from 2-4am and maybe 30 minutes from 8:30-9am. Around 5am I put Kylie in bed with us because she would not sleeping in her crib. I then stayed awake for several hours because I was afraid Jerry would roll on her or she wouldn't be able to breathe. Then Jerry got ready for work & that kept me up. Kylie will NOT take a nap either. If she gets worse I may have to take her to the doctor. Being a mom of a sick baby is definitely the hardest job in the world!!!
I decided to post this because I doubt I'll have time to before next week and I promised pictures. I have pictures here of me, Jerry and Kylie along with pics of our kittens and new furniture. Enjoy!
*Place your cursor on top of each photo for a caption.*
I want to wish
heather102680 a very special early HAPPY BIRTHDAY on October 26th!
Take care all. Please say a little prayer that Kylie gets better! Please respond! Have a great weekend!