Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do

Jan 05, 2013 14:10

This week I finally made the decision to walk away from a work situation, that has been bothering for awhile. And it felt good and absolutely right. Usually I don't like to quit, too afraid to disappoint, but some times you just have to walk away.
2 years ago me and 2 others signed up for a special assignment in a special team at work. I love my work, but I also love doing special things that not everybody gets to do, so this was a naturel thing for me to do. But I never felt like a fit into the team. I had good days and some god awful terrible days. At one point the specialist in the team managed to totally strip away any confidence I had in myself and abilities. She did not do this on purpose, she's not a bad person, but it happened and it took me weeks to get over it.
On top of that, I really don't like the way they do things. They always think their stuff is more important than everything else, which it is not! They are always to busy to help with anything, even though everyone also has much more to do than them! And they never share any knowledge of what they do, even though the rest of the department could really use at least some of that knowledge. All of this and more has been bothering my for months now. And when I showed up for the first work day of the year and felt a great disappointment over having to do that job, that day, I thought this has got to stop. I don't want to put myself throught that on a regular basis and I really don't want to be associated with a team that doesn't want to help others get through the rough days. This is not how I want my 2013 to be like.
So I manned up and told my boss that I wanted out and it felt great. And I'm happy to say, that my boss understood, knew it was coming and even thought it might help shake things up a bit. There will probably be a fall out, people will be pissy about it and there may be some not so nice things said about me behind my back. But I don't care. I had a problem and I dealt with it, instead of letting it eat at me until it broke me. And for that I am happy, proud and feeling a lot calmer than I have for a long time:-)
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