"Who do you care about?"

Feb 10, 2010 23:13

Sooooooo, after getting some sleep and watching the episode again I just have to write a proper review because it was so amazing *_* Season 6 couldn't have started better when it comes to Skate. We have gotten such awesome material and it's only three episodes in! I really think this quadrangle ended last night.

- Kate loves that guy so much. And the entire episode was pointin to that. From her lying to Jack's face about the reason she wanted to leave, to her conversation with Jin in which it was clear she cared about Sawyer, to her face when she saw the ring and all through out the dock scene. Kate's heart is with Sawyer: always been that way<3

-Fourth time someone has called Sawyer/Kate "boyfriend" or "girlfriend"! First one was Picket "You got anything you want to say to your girl, you best say it tonight", then Alex "They're going to kill your boyfriend!", then Radinky "Where did your girlfriend go" and Aldo in What Kate Does. Dropping hints, are we Darlton?;)

-BADASS KATE OWNS AT LIFE. It was SO awesome how Aldo was rambling on and Kate was like "Yeah yeah, I'm bored of you now, you're going to have to shut up." *tackles* I LIKE YOU GIIIIIIIIRL.

-The dock scene was so much better than anything I expected. The best part was that Sawyer basically said that Juliet was his rebound. A girl he asked to stay with him because he was feeling lonely. "You understand that right?" Of course she does! She was so desperate she got together with Jack xD Two engagement rings went unused because of Skate. Think about that;)

-Kate/Claire scenes were awesome! And aaaaaaw she was always meant to have a part in Aaron's life<3

-"We'll figure it out together", "I was worried about you", "You understand that right?", "Some people are meant to be alone." If those words don't make an OTP I don't know what does.

sawyer/kate, lost

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