there are no Girl Scouts in Brooklyn.

Mar 06, 2006 21:56

So instead, my Mom is sending me a care package of Girl Scout cookies. Aww.

Ahh, strep throat and tonsilitis. Yep, that's what I have right now. I started feeling icky on Sunday when Josh left, then I noticed the spots growing on my ever-swelling tonsils. Eww. Then I got the chills, and aches & pains, etc., etc., and passed-out during the Oscars. I woke-up around 4:00 AM this morning with a fever of 101.5. I haven't been sick sick in a long time, and it sucks. I went to student health and got on some penicilin for free, and now I'm feeling a little bit better than before. I have never been this sick away from my family and my Mom in Arizona, so I really had to suck it up and take care of myself, which was harder than I had let-on. I literally have no one here, and the people I do have here won't come near me. My roommate is using the remote to the TV with a latex-gloved hand. Hahaha. Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger!

I hope I didn't get anyone sick. I feel really bad because Josh is such a hypochondriac and he has a lot going on for school during these next couple of weeks, and you're pretty much guaranteed to get sick if you make-out with a girl with tonsilitis and strep, dude. I'm gonna feel terrible if he gets sick. Aww, I wish I didn't live so far-away so that he could bring me juice when no one else will! I just have to suck it up! Raawwwrrr!! He did get me one thing that will surely help around here:

its a penguin buttler!! I've always wanted one of those guys!

I'm going to be in a movie soon. I start filming on the 19th. Eat your hearts out, I'm beautiful...
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