- I found another job because I was absolutely miserable. I know it's not the time to job hop, but I had to do what I had to do. There's no point in being stressed. It jacks up your quality of life. And I can't have that.
- I wish I could find a job that required me to listen to good music and wear a groove in the dance floor.
- I just bought an album yesterday that has to be shipped from UK.
- Yes, I love music that much. But only good music. You can keep your classic rock and your country. If it doesn't make me want to dance or at least bob my head, it's not worth listening to.
- I'm back to normal, somewhat. No, I'm not dating. And I'm really not interested. I just want to get out and enjoy life. Whatever happens happens.
- So I bought a camera to capture life.
- I've been taking random photos of stuff. I kinda like it.
- I'm reading a lot these days. I read a lot as a child and I'm just now getting back into it.
- I thoroughly enjoyed a book that Mandy recommended. I'll have to read the whole series now.
- I bought a nice purse big enough to fit a book. Gotta get my read on, on the go.
- I've no longer sworn off NYC. I was there a couple weeks ago, and I will be back soon.
- In fact, I joined the New York Road Runners and signed up for two 10k races in the city. But my goal is to run the Brooklyn Half once they finally decide on a date.
- Yeah, I've really been into running. I'm getting better at it. My last two runs had an average pace under 9:00min/mi. That's right, eat my dust bitches.
- I'm really surprising myself with my sudden cardio fitness. Especially since my mileage has declined in the past two months.
- It's not about quantity, but quality I guess.
- I no longer have a vegan diet. I'm back to eating fish. I've never had issues with fish. It's everything else I have problems with.
- I still love vegan food and will continue to prepare vegan dishes.
- That reminds me, I've been getting into raw food too. I've made my own milk (cashew and almond).
- In fact, I've joined a couple raw websites and got an idea for an awesome breakfast that I like to eat A LOT.
- I've also become a tea snob. If it's not loose tea, it's beneath me.
- I make an awesome chai. With rooibos or Yerba Mate, your choice.
- I really need to take the time to make my own sports drink out of rooibos tea. I'll need it for the half.
- Oh, I'm going to Daytona Beach in July for the annual family reunion. My sports drink will definitely come in handy there.
Now I'm hungry, so I'm going to make some type of nut or seed pate and have over salad. It's the best way to eat a salad, in my opinion. And on that note, I'll leave you with some random photos. That's right, I have a camera now, and I'm hot sh!t.