Aaahhh, searching your school on youtube brings up some FUNNY videos.
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Mr Robinson, some sort of music teacher, I think? Anyway, he does a lot of foreign crap, so yeah. This is his way of teaching us Chinese. Funniest. Thing. Ever.
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Thats Mr Mealey. He's an English teacher, and a right ol' pervert and wierdo. If any one of the teachers was going to sleep with one of the students, it'd definately be him. There's apparently a video of him on youtube talking about boobs. Yeah. He's awesome. I've never had him though.
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Rauri McAllister, a guy in our year. He's just THE. MOST. ANNOYING. PERSON. in the world. Now, you know I don't have a problem with big people, hell, my girlfriend isn't the skinniest (Honey, in case you're reading this, I hate stick girls, and I'm sorrryyyyyy!!!) but, seriously. He's an exception. He just walks up to you, and you just HAVE to go: 'Rauri, go away, you're fat.' It sounds mean, and bulling, but he's okay with it....I mean, LOOK at him! If he can let someone record him dancing like that, then he obviously doesn't give a shit!!
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That's Mr Brown, my English Teacher. He's pretty awesome.
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This is filmed in one of our French Lessons, looks like right at the end of Year 9 or something. The girl at the start is Lucy Briggs, and she's damn awesome. Really nice. The first guy is Dylan Thompson, and he's an utter knob, and the guy dancing in Jordan Pennington. Ah, he's okay. good dancer, clearly!
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Yet another Mr Robinson Classic.