Back for a little update!

Apr 06, 2007 08:20

I know RL has kept me offline a while, but will try to recap. First off, if anyone actually does read this, please say some encouraging words to Scorpy808, Ixchup, Twichie...for many different reasons. Scorpy808 needs our condolences, Ixchup needs our encouragement and Twichie needs our best cheerleading!

With my life, Mick has been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer, malignant in lymph glads of his back and bone marrow. Treatment du jour is the hormone blockage by pill and shots. He's lost 35 lbs in just a few months and is tired all the time. Been told surgery is not an option. Not much else to tell until we can see PSA levels over the next 3 months.

Grandson and little granddaughter came to the capitol Mar 19-22. Grandson served as a House Page, for the third year. Gdaughter served as an Office Aide for my office. Great week for me :)

I have a new boss this year. The new Speaker Pro Tempore spoke to the Representative I was working for and asked if he would let me go to come to work for him. They worked it all out and THEN called me. I have chosen to be flattered, like some sort of MVP. :) (Took a while to get the image of being loaded into a livestock trailer and driven to a new ranch out of my head) Although, it's a great gig and my new boss is a PEACH! Got a bit of a payraise, too.

Going to have a big time tonight (it's about time SOMETHING was fun). Going to see Leon Russell perform live in Bricktown tonight. I know none of you "youngsters" know who he is, but he's always been in my top 5 favorites! Son is taking me and friends will be meeting us there. Wish Mick felt well enough to go, but I am going...need a few laughs and can't wait to see Leon perform.

If any of you are in Tampa/Orlando or will be visiting, be sure to eat a meal at Tijuana Flats. My son-in-law is the owner and doing wonderfully with these restaurants! The food is "heaven"

Love to all... :)
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