Urban Quest... :)

Apr 17, 2010 15:45

OMG! We had THE BEST TIME at the Urban Quest this morning! We came in 2nd by TWO MINUTES! It was so much fun! We ran and ran and ran...HILLS. There were challenges at every location.

One of them, I was blindfolded while RJ had to tell me how to put a picture together. We passed a team that was already there before us! ha! (the people were talking about us and said we did such a great job and we really communicated well.)

Another station was where RJ ran up this huge hill with a soccer ball and back down.

Another one was where RJ blew up a beach ball while I made a chain out of fabric to fit around this huge rock.

Another was a big field with playplace balls with letters and numbers on them. We were given the word NONCHALANT and had to find the letters and add up the numbers.

Another was learning how to fold a fancy napkin and doing it under 3 minutes.

Another was at the bus station- this one was the one we struggled with because they had 5 math problems where u had to figure out how much something would cost. we didnt notice at first that Senior Citizens and students got discounts and kids were free, etc, and they tricked us with one by asking about a ride on Sunday...well it isn't even OPEN on sunday! haha...

Another was at the animal shelter, RJ had to go back and find names of little puppies that they had written on a piece of paper.

The last one was a word scramble.

SOOOOOOO MUCH FUN! I'm so glad he asked me to do it with him!

We won a 2nd place trophy AND free dinner at a nice restaurant! :)
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