The Easter Service at church today was amazing! They had video segments of a few people who gave their testimonies. (which I love because EVERYBODY can relate to a story...that's one of the things I love about GCC. They make everybody feel welcome and the pastors talk to us on our level. It makes new friends feel more comfortable and welcome!) But back to the service, they sang a couple songs, had a video, sang, then Ron and Chad preached and shared the story of Jesus dying and rising again 3 days later, sang some more, and then read some scripture. I liked how we broke things up and put songs in between. The music was powerful. We sang THE REVELATION SONG, which is one of my new favorites. *it is especially neat because I am currently reading Revelation in my daily Quiet time, and I never realized that the song is actual scripture, so it is neat to hear the song now and understand EXACTLY where it's coming from! :) Grace Community Church has definitely helped me grow closer in my relationship with God, but also with OTHER BELIEVERS, which is definitely a blessing because I have so many people I can turn to when I am struggling, or just need someone to lean on!
Today after church I watched Chandler. Her mom wanted me to take some pics of her with her little bunny ears and flower headband, so I did. Then, we took some together on MY camera! haha. I love Chandler! She is such a sweet baby! :-)
(I was trying to get Heather to scoot the camera over before she took the shot, but as you can tell, it didnt really work out too well..haha!)
I had a picnic with my friends on Friday before we saw The Last Song. It was so much fun! It was a beautiful day. I am blessed with some great friends! :)