Apr 01, 2013 08:54
APRIL FOOL ! Prov15:8
Without Christ it's not Christian,
It's only tradition prescribed by the thinking of fools,
Unless you're obeying what The Word is saying,
you'll never be one of His jewels.
If you really believe it, you'll pay close attention,
not giving lip service that merely makes mention.
There's one day in April in honor of you,
who sit on the dunce stool instead of the pew.
Unless "It is written", it surely ain't fittin',
to pretend you're keeping his rules..
Don't bother praying if what you are saying
is a lot like the braying of mules.
"Wisdom is the principal thing", we're told,
so keep the horses in front of the carts,
Don't lead with a lie when the stakes are so high,
It's His TRUTH that's the genesis of smarts!