Oct 21, 2009 09:58
As eagles soar, and land not where they please
carry the message above the trees
Strengthen thy wings, and lengthen thy hands
As eagles soar, and as eagles soar on the wind
Not by man, but as eagles fly
Head straight for the son; into whose space no enemy can come.
Terror may come to stalk in the night
but they cannot come into my light
The words that I speak are only a token,
the time has come, and the yoke shall be broken.
Trees that stand, shall bend with the wind
By the Spirit of God my flock shall they tend
Canst thou not see, and canst thou not tell
the earch is enlarging the jaws of hell
Till the righteous shall cry out as in times of old,
"Oh God, how it vexes our righteous soul".
With love have I spared unto this day,
but soon the ark shall be taken away.
For the singers shall sing, and the shouters shall shout,
and the parrots shall scream as they're walking about
And the actors shall act, and they shall mock men
But few there shall be who listens to the wind.
And as the time draws near, and my coming is soon,
the runners will run from room to room
They'll shout and they'll scream, but they have not heard
for nobody went out to put out my word.
For the word is scarce, it flows not through the land
Where they speak of things that they've heard of from man
That they've heard from the man, and they've heard from the man,
and they speak it over; the same thing again.
They seek not my face; they fall not before me
The things that I tell them passes o'er them
For the time shall come, and it's drawing very near
I shall come; and I shall go; and they shall stay.
Wisdom comes, not from man
Wisdom comes, as my word I send
As I speak it forth, and it comes from thy mouth
It must travel from the North to the South.
It must come forth with blasts clear and strong,
It must come forth in words and deeds and song,
It must not be what you think to say,
It must be what I've sent that day.
As the manna came down one day at a time
So shall the bread be divided; one day at a time
It shall not spoil, and it shall not rot with worms
It shall be sent forth from my urns.
From my urns, it shall be stored in vessels that will contain;
that have stamped on them 'my son's name'.
Seeking you sought the things that cannot be bought
Seeking you sought the things that cannot be bought
Listening you've heard, and listening you'll stand
Listening you've heard, and listening you'll stand
You'll have to receive it as from my own hand.
Sealed in the vessels, earthen though they may be
Sealed in the vessels and placed there by me
Sealed by the Spirit of the Living God
Formed by my hand - men made of sod
But formed in my image because they speak forth my word
And they shall carry it as swift as the birds
And they shall speak it, and they shall stand
And it shall go forth throughout the land.
Sealed by the Holy Spirit they'll stay,
sustained by the strength that I'll give them day by day
They will run, and they will not be weary
For they shall speak, and they shall stand
and they shall be led by my very own hand.
For I'll train them up and I'll teach them to go
And the Spirit of God shall tell them and shall show
My Spirit shall lead, my Spirit shall stand
My Spirit goes forth; my Spirit and my man
And they shall tell, and others shall hear,
And they shall tell, and others shall hear,
And some shall receive, and some shall simply fear.
But none can in any way, say,
"My God, we didn't hear this", that day.
For I'll put it forth in every land
I'll speak it forth through woman and man
I'll send it out, and I'll send it strong
I'll send it - in both words and song.
For none shall stand, in that great Day,
and accuse and say; and accuse, and say,
And accuse me and say "I never heard it, I never heard it"
For I have spoken, and I have said it
And aye, yeah, even to you, I have spoken in the night.
I have spoken through the word, I have spoken through the wind
and yet ye have not heard
For you have put forth your neck as a stiff piece of iron,
You will not bend it, you shall not bend it
You have changed it from "The Great I AM", to "The Great I".
You have changed from the apple of my eye
to the thorn in my flesh
I have sifted you with love; I will sift you with mesh
I have spoke forth in Spirit, and you brought forth in flesh.