Aug 05, 2008 21:22
I'm on the eve of summer being over. Believe it or not, as much as I enjoy vacations, this is also my favorite part of school, that moment of anticipation just before. The whole semester is in front of me, four months of opportunities. There will also be that chance just before school starts to get things in order in the apartment that, barring any incident like this last one will be my home for the next two years.
Moving day was last Saturday. We got an early start on the road down. I had to book it a lot faster than I would have liked to in order to catch up with my folks. Dad has a singular method of driving that does not vary whether or not he's going it alone but nothing bad came of it, so I figure no harm no foul. We got to Omaha and got the stuff offloaded from the vehicles in relatively short order. The more difficult task came from the massive amount of things still in my old apartment. Thanks to the carts and the elevator, it was far easier than it could have been. Mom devoted herself to cleaning in the old place while Dad and i moved the stuff. The difficult part, we all knew, was going to be the sofa. To make matters worse, the one elevator we had hauled it in a year ago was out of commission and that elevator is one that is clearly larger than the other one. As we were hauling stuff though, I happened to notice they had the plastic covers off of the lights. That had been the ceiling previously, now we had an addition 4-5 inches of clearance. Which was enough, as it turned out, to get the sofa in. I think we did extremely well in getting everything upstairs. They left pretty soon after we got it all done and I went down the hall. Andy and I sat around for a few hours and caught up on the summertime events. Then I went and took a quick nap and then it was on to the enormous task of unboxing all my stuff so I could start to get my room into some semblance of order. By the next afternoon, I've got to admit, I had the place looking pretty decent. I even got my water filter installed and made some ice, the plan being I can have something ready for a nice cold drink when I get done moving my stuff next time. Granted its not a huge amount of things, but there's a lot of heavy and awkward stuff, namely my TV and guitars. If it wasn't for the carts and the elevator, this effort would probably give me a stroke.
I've had a good time with the horses lately. Scotch has been her usual self, quite eager to get her Legacy and fairly lovey at times, but mostly happy to be her own girl. After a spurt of hair regrowth, we decided it would be best to give her a body clip. I got to see the handiwork last night, it looks pretty good. She was not the most happy about it, but I don't doubt she'll cool her jets when she literally cools her jets. Stormy and I have had some good times together, just like the rest of the summer. I must admit with some regret, I had envisioned riding a significantly greater number of times than I ended up doing. But I hope by next year I'll have my weight down again and we'll be able to enjoy it. Its not like we haven't had fun. Like last night, we went out and worked in the outdoor arena. He was quite frisky, they always do love to go outside and I don't blame him, its where he belongs, especially this time of year. I even let him go free to go quick write down a few song ideas; he ended up following me to the fence and trotting around impatiently when I crossed over and was walking away. It felt good to see that he's bonded with me so strongly.
Job opportunities are flying at me left and right. I had mentioned my call from Omaha in my previous entry and I finally got a hold of the HR lady who was trying to reach me. Like I had expected, it was far from a solid offer, rather just seeing if I was still interested in positions. Still it was the first real bite I've gotten from the line I had sunk in that pond and its not like I have a whole lot of options, so I said I was still interested. But on Saturday, I saw an email from my classmates down in Omaha that Target was looking for interns. This would have the advantage of giving me the chance to work with someone I know and get a little bit more retail experience to round out my resume. Unfortunately, I had forget that Target handles job applications through that computer thing they have near customer service. Unfortunately, I did not learn this until after I had already made the journey back to Sioux Falls. Had I known, I would have made a much stronger point of fitting it in before coming back. Oh well, hopefully there will not be a huge number of people that apply at this point and I can get things in the moment I get back down to Omaha.
We ended up staying home from the barn tonight, my gut was feeling a little under the weather, still is for that matter. I feel bad about not seeing the horses, especially on the verge of leaving for so long. Mom didn't help tonight either. She said she saw Scotch having difficulty getting up and she's made a point of mentioning it to me one too many times these past few days. Part of the reason, actually most of the reason, my life went into a tailspin several years ago was her decline. Sometimes I feel like I'm loosing the passion for something that used to be the major thrill of my life. I also think back and remember that I disconnected myself from it quite a bit because I had to; going to college and being away from the horses was difficult. I'll try and make it up to them tomorrow, at least I'm going out on a much more regular basis. Last summer when I worked the evening shift all the time, I didn't go out at all during the week. That's something I really regret.
The situation at work has gotten a little better. I was a bit surly and depressed for awhile, but I've gotten the old spark back a little. I definitely feel good about one thing today. I got asked by one of the other guys who's a student (all the pharmacy interns are guys other than the one who is on extended leave, even that is in major defiance of the percentages concerning pharmacy) to switch weekends. I would have switched to the weekend after labor day. I was planning on coming home then and thought I would rather not have back to back weekends home, I'd rather space things out a little bit. So I said I wasn't interested in switching. This is a rare thing for me, on so many instances I bend to other people's will or if I do get out of it, I try to weasel my way out, usually with a clever lie. This time I asserted myself and I wasn't a jerk about it. Maybe there's hope for me after all.
I think this pretty much covers everything that's gone on in the last few weeks. Even though its two weeks from tomorrow that classes start, most likely my return to Omaha will be a week from Sunday. Soon I'll be down to less than a week. I'm getting pretty excited for this even meaning I'll be gone from home and the horses. I'm also trying to write again, Omaha will provide a much larger pool of opportunity for me to go out and play my guitar. I've been a little to content to settle in my life. Its time that I start to kick everything back into high gear. This next semester is another shot at that.