What a day!

Jun 19, 2003 01:35

Back when I was in the hotel business, they were grooming me for a front office manager job...the first step that you take on your way to being a GM...I passed on it, because I knew that it was a job that was easy to get stuck in, and you wind up having to cover for all the no-calls /no-shows, and when you consider the salary that you get, it winds up to less than minmum wage for all the hours that you work.

Here's a formula I came up with:

Hourly=every hour over 40 is time and a half
Salary=every hour over 40 is uncompensated

I mention all of this, because now that I am on salary, my attitude about doing work past 3:30 is very poor. While I'm on the clock, I'm all about my job, but when I'm free to go, that time is mine. But I have to leave the school, and head off to the University of Absolute Last Resorts (UALR), and sit there for 3 1/2 hours. and I don't even have shellianne there to make the sound effect when I pretend to yawn and make a subtle jerking-off gesture. And I am the only guy in the class, which usually is no big deal, but tonight, I was subject to some ribbing.

I might have mentioned this before, but I have a can-a-day Skoal habit. I started in college, making fun of some of my redneck fraternity brothers,. I liked the nicotine rush, and was hooked almost instantly. I have quit several times, plan on quitting again soon, but during times when I have 12 and 13 hour days, it's something that I find relaxing, and a means to satiate my Freudian oral fixation.

Coming back from break, they were teasing me about it, and I bit back...I said that I do it because the chicks dig it...the spit bottle is kind of like Spanish Fly. But I guess that it's fun getting the attention from time to time. The girl who sits next to me is pretty cool, and we now have an inside joke...the phrase "frame of reference" comes up in class quite a bit, and we make it a point to say it a lot...so when we hear it, it gets a giggle or two.

We opened the blinds in the classroom to let some light in, and we were talking about what we could see out the windows, which is not much, and I was encouraged to share an anecdote from grad school, where I was in a classroom that had a lot of windows, and there were two dogs fucking in the quad....that kind of steals the thunder from the prof. But it had the class in stitches.

After I got home, I had to take a quiz for my online course...I think I did okay on it. Then it was back up to school, where I had to pick up a projector to take with me to the conference tomorrow, and I wound up shooting the shit with a couple of co-workers. I also saw my advocate student this evening (the one that I am teaching math), and she was telling me about her day...she's always really fun to talk to. For the benefit of those who don't understand, each teacher at my school has a few students assigned to them, and you have to do all of the voluminous paperwork for them, and assist them in a vareity of ways. They also attempt to match personalities when they can, and my running joke with her is that we are a good match, because we are both very disorganized, and we put things off until the last minute. My procrastination du jour was preparing the materials for the conference that I am presenting at in Hot Springs tomorrow. I am happy to announce that I am done with it, with 8 hours to spare. I should be sleeping now, but I'm up making my post, because I know that I will look at the amount of work that I had today in a year, and laugh about how easy I had it, and how whiny I was today.

I did get a pleasant surprise tonight when I opened my friends list....a new addtion to the list plugged my LJ...Here's the plug, and here's a plug right back to him allheart808
. His posts are a good read, and we have had some great comment wars. He's also a pretty badass fighter that we'll be seeing on UFC one day, and we all need friends like that in our life. If anyone pisses me off, I just have to get their sorry ass to Hawaii, and he'll take care of the rest.

I had a couple of new adds to the friends list today....gsl, gpcube, and skwairpeg...I've already had some great exchanges with them today, and I look forward to more.

For all the people in littlerock, I eagerly await the meetup. rocknlikedokken suggested that we don't wear name tags, but try and figure out who everyone is. I suggested that we wear our icons. But it should be a lot of fun.

Behind today's cut are the results from the poll I posted, and another pic for your viewing pleasure:

Thanks for all of your suggestions, btw.

What should I get for my birthday?

nikki42 -- an authentic Nikki Henderson original print
Works for me...you know I want one.

nycsbeauty78 -- money
Always fits, always the right color

rocknlikedokken -- ooooh! a vespa! get a vespa!
Uh, okay. I just need to find out what a vespa is.

tygher-- Winemaking supplies. Good suggestion....although I did dump out a gallon the other night that I started about a month ago, because it smelled like feet

justachorusgirl-- whatever he wants :P
*dirty thoughts involving Ashley Judd, Sarah Silverman, and a photographer*

gingerlives -- You need a zorb: http://www.zorb.com/Photos2.htm
LMAO! Everyone should have one of those

felinias -- Webcam and/or a digicam
*more dirty thoughts*

_c_u_t_i_e_ Ditto.. What ever you need the most of I guess
Hugs, and beer.

wanderinbilly -- Do you HAVE trival pursuit? More "questions?"
Back when I had a lot of spare time, I bought a bunch of sets as research for the day when I audition to be on Jeopardy! I still have the sets (at least 6, by the last count), but the spare time appears to have fallen by the wayside.

skutir -- a little sweater for your cock.
I don't think that they make sweaters that small.

mandersley -- hookers and crack! money would be aight too...
Word! Come pick me up in the Lincoln, we'll grab a couple of 40s and head down Roosevelt

phizat -- Money. cant go wrong there.
Alas...you must have went shopping in Jonesboro recently.

shellianne -- pussy-n-a-can
*plugging in the microwave*

woobiewoobster -- more cocks in your yard?
This cock thing is starting to get out of hand here *g*

drunah-- a lap dance? or hmmmm.
Obviously you haven't been to the strip joints here....most of the girls don't have enough teeth to be in the confederate army. ;-P

wide_eyed_woman -- an all-expenses-paid vacation anywhere...yeah!
Like to wide_eyed_woman's house, perhaps?

glennj -- Candy. Lots of Candy.
What's Candy's last name? Do you have a phone #?

Today's Pic: The Snake Pit

Back when we had a couple of smokers here, they willingly went outside to smoke, and I would often keep them company. We decided the back patio needed a cool nickname, so we dubbed it The Snake Pit, and hung up a sign. The shapes that you see hanging up are something that we had decorating the Sig Ep House for a theme party with the Chi Omegas....the party was lame, but the decorations were cool.

mnmm, teaching, tobacco

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