Happy King Kamehameha Day!

Jun 12, 2013 01:57

Quick tip for all of you writer-types out there, who are always talking about wanting to be independently wealthy, so they can take off to Hawai'i  (or some other vacation hotspot) to write their screenplay. But the reality is that if you can wrangle that, and it is an effective strategy, then you will be spending a lot of time in a hotel room staring at a computer monitor, not unlike you are doing right now.

Thanks to the internet, you can find radio stations from all over the world, including the radio station we used to Jam in Todd's Truck in Hawai'i (KINE Hawaiian 105) as we tooled around Oahu and Kau'ai a few years ago.

Perhaps this summer I will take writing vacations to Paris, Amsterdam, Prague, St. Petersburg, and London.  
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