If it's not something, then it's something else

Mar 14, 2003 18:45

It's been a few dasy since my last post, and a great deal has happened since then. Today I returned to work after a three day hiatus, and found out that my students did basically nothing in my absence. That is very frustrating, to say the least. And speaking of doing nothing, I got another email from my instructor in what I refer to as the class from hell about my past due assignments. I'm going to go in to work tomorrow sometime and get some of that shit caught up so that I can get that monkey off my back. I fucking loathe all of this bullshit busy work.

This morning I had some chest pain, and I have made the decision once again to leave tobacco behind. My dad had a heart attack when I was in college, and I need to see a doctor. I did get an appointment for the end of the month, and I will get that straightened out.

Today we had the rescheduled Black History month assembly, and it was, in a word, long. I made the comment that if it was much longer, I was going to have to get my lighter out and yell "Freebird". I also thought that it would make for a fun drinking game to take a shot every time that there was a standing ovation...they can get kind of out of hand at times.

One thing happened today that rubbed me the wrong way. After we said the Pledge of Alliegance, they had a woman sing "Lift every voice and sing", and they announced it as the "Black national anthem", end everyone was expected to stand. I complied, because I did not want to come off as some racist asshole who did not respect the proceedings, but I have a problem with being expected to stand in respect for a concept that I find offensive. The fact of the matter is that we are all Americans, and we should all stand for the same national anthem. We should not give into this compartmentalization of our cultures, and give any social class, ethnicity, gender, or religion the same reverence as we do to the Flag of our nation. I am 1/4 Irish, and a little over 1/4 English, but I would not expect people in an assembly to stand while someone sings "God save the queen".

We need to knock off this overcorrection of hyphenating the word American. Our ancestors were all from other parts of the world, (with the exception of a few Indian tribes), but if you were born and raised in this country, then you should respect this country. It is perfectly acceptable to maintain the identity of your native culture, and I respect that a great deal, but the bottom line is that we should not let it cloud our loyalties. *Steps down from soapbox*.

Rewrites on the novel are going well, and I am over halfway finished. I'm looking forward to getting this new draft finished, and hearing some feedback from some people that are actuallt willing to read it. I will send it off after I have let 6 people read it.

teaching, tobacco, nanowrimo

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