Jimmy Crack Corn, and I don't care....

Jan 13, 2003 23:50

I'm about to call it a night, but I figured that I had better post something. I would not want to forget what I didn't do with my life on this day ten years from now.

I went in to work today, and did the usual stuff....this, that, and the other. I have been recruiting my classes to help me get my materials ready to go for my web page. I have been getting pretty damn good about getting slave labor when I need it, and my workstudy student is working out great.

After school, I had Monday night Margaret Marathon, and she actually let us out early. I am going to try and have a better attitude this semester. It will not be too hard to have a better attitude than I did this time last semester. I accept that I wilol probably still not get too much out of this class, but at least I don't have to deal with some other jackoff prof at the same time.

I finally have internet access back in my classrooms, so I may yet survive. The virus has been kept at bay, and I now have all of my workstations ready to go. I still have a hell of a lot of tidying up to do around the room before the state department schmucks come around, but I should manage.

The guy from eBay finally issued me the refund. It's too bad that the disks don't work, because I am now the owner of them. I guess that the final email that I sent scared the guy a bit. I wish that I had saved a copy of it, but basically I told him that if I did not get a full refund by the end of the day, that I would be forced to report him to the attorney general, the USPS, and eBay. Per my agreement, I left positive feedback, and I am curious to see what he leaves me. If he leaves me negative feedback, then I might go ahead and report him anyway. As an artist, I have a huge problem with bootleggers selling copyrighted material. I have a problem with people copying material for free, but I'm as guitly of that as anyone. The artist loses money, but at least his/her work isn't lining the pockets of some scumbag with a CD burner. People like that are a disease, and I hold them in the same regard as ticket scalpers and drug dealers....they create a seller's market, and then gouge any chance that they get. Fuck them.

Anyway, it's off to bed for me soon. I started back on the patch, and I need to get as many days behind me as possible. I am kind of glad that I had the relapse when I did, because it helped me to see exactly how inconvenient that the habit can be. The only thing is finding a way to distance myself from the things that I associated the most strongly with tobacco. Drinking can be a problem, and when i am sitting at the computer writing, it can be a problem as well. It was the first thing that I did in the morning, and the last thing that I did at night. I would make excuses and creat opportunities for myself to go have a dip, and I was definitely a slave to the habit. I hope to change that. The last time that I went on the patch (not counting the 7 day fast this last time), I lasted 4 months. I survived a NASCAR race, where they give the shit out for free. I didn't last much longer after I got dumped, but it helped me get through a rough spot. It will be there for me again if things get bad, and I can quit again if I ever make a fall from grace. Is this the time that I finally beat it for good? Who in the hell knows. You can never truly conquer an addiction, you can only keep it at bay. I am just glad that I never got addicted to alcohol or drugs. I feel fortunate that I can wake up from a night of heavy drinking and feel ashamed if I overindulged, and I am glad that I never used any drugs harder than pot. I might have gotten hooked on pot of it wasn't for the smoking part of it...I hate smoking. If they could put it in a pill, or a lozenge, or a transdermal patch, then I might be more tempted. I do miss bogarting a hogleg and watching my Mr. Magoo videos, but it's not something that I think about all the time.

Needles? Fuck that. I don't like giving blood or getting shots, and there is no way that I would stick a needle in my arm for pleasure.

I never tried cocaine for the same reason that I never killed anyone....I'm afraid that I might like it.

I am addicted to sex, but I have had to quit that cold turkey. Someone very close to me has said that she is going to get me a pussy in a can, but I have yet to see that ;-)

mnmm, tobacco

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