Loony Bin

Nov 19, 2003 00:58

shellianne needed to interview a special ed teacher for a class that she is taking, and she asked me if she could interview me, and she was going to need to transcribe it for class tonight. I love her, because we are cut from the same cloth in this regard, I always used to enjoy waiting until the last minute to get shit done, and there were very few people who were better to cram with. We learned entire semester classes in a couple of hours together. And, class is not the same when there is no one around to make the sound effect when I do the jerking-off motion with my hand in class.

Basically, I interviewed myself and emailed it to her. It was fun, because I got to ask myself the questions that I wanted to answer about my experiences as a special ed professional, and I allowed myself to go into something of a rant on the subject. I might post it, because some of you might find it interesting. And I'll hide it behind a cut for those of you who are not...I am a team player.

Anyway, Shelli told me that she owes me some sno-cones, and I eagerly await that moment. Of the things that I regret most about the latter portion of my relationship, it was neglecting my drinking buddies. Rachelle was so jealous of Shelli, but the fact of the matter was that we had some great crying in our beer time together, and she, along with enigmaroolz were great friends to me at a very rough time in my life, and I will not forget that.

After class tonight, I heard from themo_man, and I hate calling him at 7:00 on Tuesday night, and he's home. He lives in Benton, and when he's home, that usually means I have to go get him. But tonight was very cool. There were only 3 other poets there, as well as the manager of the comedy club, and one of the comedians. We just got up there and rehearsed our shit. Russ the girl, Mo, and Darius are very serious about slam, and write great slam-style poetry. I, on the other hand, am equally serious about slam, but I mainly read the stuff that I write in my blog. It's very personal to me, and I know that there are a lot of people that dig it, but I don't know it as well as they know their stuff, and don't have any of it memorized. And it doesn't flow in the same way. I don't plan on changing my style for the slam, and don't really plan on doing it at a major competitive level. I just love to perform in front of people, and hear people tell me that they dig what I write.

There was also a pretty funny moment when we were talking about one of Mo's poems that he does all the time (for good reason), and I got up and read it, without stumbling too much. Then Russ did it, and did a good impersonation, but she didn't make it all the way through without laughing. I made the comment that we were either dissing Mo hard, or showing tremendous respect to him. Mo made the comment that it was kind of like a roast. I also got up and read the really random shit I wrote in my notes during class...I may post it in the next day or two, sans cut.

After the Loony Bin, Mo, Darius and I went to Denny's, and had some pretty good conversation. I love hanging with smart, creative people, and I had that tonight.

Anyway, to quote from a friend of mine, "there's one interesting aspect currently developing in my life. But I won't go into that."

amanda, mnmm, poetry slam, shelli

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