We all have a
The world often lies to you, telling you that your story doesn’t matter, that you have to be better, smarter, stronger, more popular, more talented, or more athletic to have value and purpose. Those are all lies! You matter because you were created by God. You were “fearfully and wonderfully” made by Him for His purposes. God has given you purpose and value that no one or nothing can ever take away.
To truly understand your value and purpose, you have to understand how you fit into God’s story.
God’s Story
In the Bible, we see the beginning of the story He is writing when He created the heavens and the earth. He followed that with the masterpiece of His creation, man and woman (Adam & Eve), who were created with the purpose of reflecting His glory as they enjoyed perfect relationship with Him.
The harmony of God’s creation was broken when Adam and Eve chose to believe a lie from a fallen angel named Satan. They disobeyed God, and the consequences of their disobedience (called sin) were devastating! Sin not only broke Adam and Eve’s relationship with God, it entered creation and caused eternal separation from Him. Pain, sin, death, and separation from God have been passed down through humanity to all generations to follow. With mankind having no way to right the wrong of sin and facing a seemingly hopeless destiny, God provided the greatest rescue of all time.
Because of His love for His creation, God Himself became human in the person of Jesus. Being fully God, yet fully human, He lived a sinless life here on earth. In the ultimate act of love Jesus willingly laid down His perfect life on a cross, paying the debt of mankind’s sin for all who put their trust in Him. Because Jesus was fully human, He could represent humanity; because He was fully God, He alone could afford to pay our debt. Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross is the greatest display of mercy and grace the world has ever known. Jesus met our greatest need, something we could never do ourselves.
After three days in a borrowed grave, He rose again. By doing so, he demonstrated that His mission to defeat sin and death was complete. For forty days he appeared to His followers here on Earth, demonstrating His victory over sin and death, before returning to reign with God in Heaven. But that’s not the end of the story…
For those who trust in Jesus, God has promised forgiveness of sins and restoration of our relationship with Him. A restored relationship with God is life-changing. He brings hope, peace, joy, and life abundantly as we trust Him. He gives us His Holy Spirit to live in our hearts as our perfect guide and encourager. Even today, Jesus intercedes on our behalf, sitting at the right hand of God in Heaven.
The story God is writing from creation to restoration is captivating, and He created YOU to be an important part of it. Joining God in His Story allows you to discover forgiveness, significance, and true purpose that can’t be found anywhere else.
The moment you trust Jesus Christ, you have relationship with God. You become a part of His story fulfilling the purpose for which you were made. The more you grow in relationship with God, the more you will begin to understand His story and how your life is a part of the greatest story ever!
The Invitation to Join His Story
Have you ever trusted Jesus Christ and embraced a relationship with God?
If not, and you would like to join God’s story, click
HERE for more information on how to do that.
So have you joined His story?
Do you need more information about His story?
Would you like to share your story?
Please feel free to respond and share. Be blessed today as you live out your important part of THE GREATEST STORY EVER!
For spiritual encouragment, check out these devotionals
*Kenneth "Tripp" Atkinson is a pastor, speaker, writer, and coach that lives in the Atlanta, GA area.