Sep 23, 2012 15:34
The ordination of women as priests in the Catholic Church will come one day. Already you can see the yearnings of women to be taken seriously in their sense of pastoral calling, to serve as female priests, to express voice that is not filtered by exclusively male primacy, and the pressures that build up on the male-dominated hierarchy. Just observe the way 'The Imperium' is trying to control independent thought and expression in the case of nuns in the US.
Women and men have equal intellectual, moral and emotional capacity - what is needed for priesthood or leadership is 'personhood'. When you consider that men and women were BOTH made in the image of God, there should be no problem at all with women 'representing the image' of God - in whatever role. Not least because God is neither exclusively male nor exclusively female, but fully comprehends and feels and expresses through creation, both male and female, as in God's formation of humanity in the divine image.
It is way past time for certain men to get over their assumed right of leadership, just because they have male sex organs and male hormones, neither of which are necessary in order to exercise pastoral love, spiritual discernment, or leadership. We share 'personhood' in the image of the divine personhood, and we exercise mental faculties through our brains, given to male and female alike.