Associating with Unbelievers

Mar 23, 2011 12:45

In 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, we are told not to be being "differently-yoked" (me ginesthe heterozugountes)with unbelievers. I am first of all wondering what is the precise sense of the term "heterozugountes"? Does it mean not to associate at all? If this is the case, we would have to reconcile this passages with 1 Corinthians 5:9-10 in which Paul allows us to associate (sunanamignumi) with unbelievers because, if we din't, we would have to go out of the world. So, apparently, association is permitted if anything because of its inevitability. Furthermore, we have Christ Himself associating with what Christians would term unbelievers (He was, after all, accused of eating with tax collectors and sinners). Of course, Christ responded to such criticisms of Him in stating that it is not the well that need a physician but the sick, so we may assume that, in His eating with such people, He was conducting Himself (as He always did) in such a way as to convert them to His Way. So, we erturn back to our first passage in question: Might that passage be referring to so much to mere association but to participation in the BEHAVIOR of the unbelievers? After all, Christ spoke of his teachings as a "yoke". We are thus not to go under a different "yoke" (a yoke that is not of Christ) with unbelievers (?). This passage quotes from the OT wherein God is telling Isreal to come out from the midst of the nations and be "separate". In Old Israel, the Law was established to connote distinctive behavior among the Chosen People of God, behavior contrasting with the nations around them.

All this being said, my understanding of being "differently-yoked" means "participating with the unbeliever in his or her immoral lifestyle".

Thoughts? Criticisms? Corrections? Ascent or no?

st paul

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