Archbishop Chaput from Denver has written an excellent article in First Things titled Conscience, Courage and Children with Down Syndrome regarding the high rate of abortions among those diagnosed prenatally with Down Syndrome, and what this reflects on us as a society. It begins: (
Under the cut )
However, I'm not going to condemn someone who makes a difficult decision to terminate a DS fetus. I may not make that decision, but I certainly cannot say what I would do as a woman in that situation. Having met some parents who really struggle with their DS children, it's a very hard life parenting one. I'd like to think that the easy answer would be, well, just give it up for adoption if you can't or won't parent it, but I'm a male who does not have to deal with the burden of a pre-natal decision.
I applaud this article for putting a face on DS children.
That said, I think beyond just putting a face to DS children, this article goes to the heart of what it says about us as a society that we are moving more or less towards a eugenics type mentality, that children merely born with birth defects are not worth having. It is not a condemnation on the person, but it certainly is an indictment on society as a whole.
i'm not much of a philosopher. My brain tends to turn things into a "well, what is the problem and what is the solution?" sort of discussion.
and maybe this sounds bad, but stuff like this makes me feel a bit relieved that there is a decent chance that I won't be getting pregnant and having children, as I for the life of me do not know what I would do if I found myself in this sort of situation.
Part of the reason why I cannot really support a lot of feminist arguments for abortion is because I recognize them as instinctively untrue. I won't claim I'm speaking for all women, just myself: when you're considering an abortion, you don't always need people telling you "no, it's completely okay, don't worry". You need people telling you "this is wrong -- are you sure you want to do this?"
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