I will start each day as if it was my first. Most people I have met say that they would like to start each day as if it was their last, but I think otherwise. For one reason, I would be far too depressed to enjoy myself. How can someone enjoy their day if they knew they were going to die at the end of it all? I might enjoy the last half. But the first half would be spent regretting everything I didn't say, I didn't do, and I didn't say.
On that day I will enjoy the simple things that I missed all the other days in my life. I will see everything like as if I was seeing it for the very first time. I will tell myself time and time again that tomorrow will be just like today, even if it may not. Being absolutely optimistic about the unknown, the future, will only lead to a better one. You can spend your day fretting over what horrible stuff will happen tomorrow - "My boss is going to have the big meeting and he's expecting me to pitch it," or "The big test is tomorrow and am no where close to a passing grade than I was yesterday." Whatever will happen tomorrow, will happen. I'm not saying it couldn't be changed or twisted one way or the other. But the only thing that will hold you back is your voice inside your head that is criticizing your ability to prepare for the unknown, the future. The tomorrow that will bring on the new adventure that you can conquer. Every individual, including myself, has the will-power to shine through the most treacherous tasks and still come out looking brave and beautiful.
On this very first day of mine, I would like to stay in one point of area and stay there for one hour. I have this habit and hobby of trying to understand people that I have never met, never seen. Fathers, mothers, children, aunts, uncles, grandmothers, grandfathers. I am just fascinated by how they are bound together and so well in sync with each other. One child would try to throw an item off a cart in the grocery store, but it doesn't go far before the parent catches it and puts it back into the cart and away from reach of the child. Then at the corner toy shop, a child begins to cry and the grandparent that is there with the child always would be able to tell which cry is for which need. I would never be able to tell the difference. I'd stand there with one bottle in hand, pacifier on the finger of that hand, "blanky" hanging over the shoulder, diaper and powder in the other hand with a stressed look on my face that could only be classified as "What's wrong?!"
The next thing I would like to do go down a river in a replica Native American Indian canoe. Sure I come from a long line of this and that, but I just like the idea that I am partial Native American Indian. To be exact I think I am under ten percent Chippewa. But I always told myself it is what you consider yourself to be. If you think of yourself as French, then go out and learn French. When I was young, around two, I began chanting words that no one understood. My older brother at the time was just about to turn four, he understood everything and it is really close to what you hear at modern day Native American Indian festivals. But even when I was young, the blood of the Indian ran deep and I was born with the language. You can be whoever you want to be, you just have to set your mind to it and become that person. The object about thinking that today is your very first day is to taking a running leap into the unknown, the future, and becoming who you always wanted to be. I want to be for one part of the day a person going down the river in a replica Native American Indian canoe. If you could become someone that would set you for a happier, better today, who would that be? It may take time, money, and effort. But it is worth it if it puts you in the better point of area that would make you wake up every morning and think "This is the very first day of my life." I may suggest easier goals before you try to become a millionaire, that may be a bit too tough to reach.
By then, my very first day would be just about to come to a close. The sun would be about to hit the trees, and the coolest thing would happen. There would be a golden glow that would expand over the land hitting every object making it look so beautiful. I like this color so much because it is the only color that cannot be captured, painted, or drawn. The color of the sun's glow on the land right before it sets into the horizon. At which time I enjoy singing, it is a good way to either express yourself or to get a good laugh. I enjoy both types, actually. Singing like you are seriously trying to reach each high note, and then fun singing like you are trying to make it look like you are tone deaf. End the day with a laugh, that way when you sleep, you are still smiling. Now a days people like watching Cops or CSI right before they go to bed. I couldn't watch that kind of stuff. There is outer health, then there is inner health. Outer health is your physical health like whether or not you have a flu, or if you are in the appropriate weight range. Inner health is something completely different, and it matters just as much as outer health. Here is one way to test if you took care of your inner health today:
- Have you laughed at least three times today?
- Did you do something that made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?
- Did you look at yourself in the mirror today?
- Have you done something that is non-stressful today?
- When did you last look a stranger in the eyes and truly smile?
- Did you enjoy your day, the good and the bad?
If you were able to answer all these questions with positive answers, than splendid job. If not, then you still have a little bit of time left to do some of them. The point of the little questionnaire is to not only help you with your inner health, but to help others with there inner health. Inner health is the only kind of health that can be contagiously spread around in a good way, where if you were to feel good about yourself, others around you would feel good about themselves. But if you were to feel negative about yourself, than others around you would either feel unaffected or feel a gently pull of negativity about themselves. I tend be like that, the kind of person that would be very sensitive to others' feelings even though I have plenty of my own to handle. If you cannot begin your day, your very first day with a positive outlook you must begin to convince yourself that the positive is out there. It is in the faces around you; the faces of your family, friends, even strangers. We are placed on an Earth filled with others for a reason. No matter what troubles you have, what problems you are facing or will be faced in the future, there are others to help you get through it. And if you don't have any problems or you have a load of experience from your obstacles that you have conquered, be the person to help. Be the person to shine in someone else's life, just the way the sun hits every object and creates the golden glow upon the land below; My favorite color.
I am sorry for ending it so abruptly, but I do have a very good reason for doing this actually. A girl that I watch over is coming to see me. For protection reason, lets call her Jesse. I haven't been able to see her in a week because she went to go do custodial visitation with her mom. Long story short:
Her dad works here at my house fixing it up, he needs babysitting and my little sister needed money at the time. I was determined not to get involved, I have health concerns to deal with. She likes my little sister, but she loves me since she first saw me. And rather than me reaching out to her, she reached out for my hand and since then we have been inseparable. End of that little story.
Okay so this week has been so hard. It couldn't have gone by any slower or by any worse. Just as a little update we are also in sync with each other that to even see us out in public you wouldn't think anything less than mother and daughter. When it storms we are hip and knee (she's young and short) to prevent any lightning to hit her and go straight to me instead. And I am proud to say that in all the games that we play, mainly running and jumping games, she has only fallen once because I wasn't right there to be able to catch her in time. She is also so perceptive of my emotions and my health. One day I was kind of sad and smiling happily through that day and she asked me what was wrong almost immediately. She cares about my health as much as I care about hers and sometimes I stand dumbfounded in the middle of two trees with her on my shoulders thinking: "There is no way she is only six years old!" But I finally get to see her again and play tickle monster and watch Hannah Montana (don't like the show, but she likes it), and have more swimming lessons. I'm so proud of her.