Last Sunday's service was very convicting. We were reading Joshua 3 and 4 : Crossing the River Jordan. it is kind of long, i would like to refer you to a link that would let you read the whole verse. --->
http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Joshua%203-4&version=31 Apart from the fact that this is a clear sign of how much God loves his people if only we take that leap of faith.
If only we allow our feet to get wet.
Apart from the fact that our God is a Living and Powerful God,
Apart from the fact that God's timing is always perfect, He may not always be early but He'll never ever be late .
Apart from the fact that God fulfills his promises if only we trust him, wait on him and obey,
Apart from the fact that God previously parted the Red Sea to save the Israelites from the bondage of slavery,
I just can't help but ask ourselves, Do we have to reach to a point were God would have to build us memorial stones just to make us , His people Know he exists? Will nothing ever be enough? Even more, he gave us his only begotten Son! Isn't that too much already? Isn't that True LOVE even ?
He is making all the effort for us to come to him. He deserves more than we could ever give him.
I just feel ashamed it has to take God himself all those efforts for us to come to him.
He deserves more. I pray all of us will give Him that. God bless!