In this sense it was not simply a conversion, a maturing of his "I," rather, it was death and resurrection for himself: a life of his died and a new one was born with the Risen Christ.
This is a great statement. I just wonder what the original text has for the word translated as "conversion" here -- since "conversion" might actually be considered the correct term for the death and rebirth. At least, this is how the Greek is translated into English at Matthew 18:3 and Acts 3:19.
I know, I love how he emphasizes how conversion, true conversion, isn't just a matter of us figuring things out. In fact, it's the other way around. We can't even begin to figure things out until we've experienced conversion, through the death of the old self and the birth of the new one. then, and only then, can we receive the light of Truth and begin to "figure things out."
Do you mean the original biblical text or the original text of the pope's speech? I can definitely find the former, and I can almost certainly find the latter...
In questo senso non fu semplicemente una conversione, una maturazione del suo "io", ma fu morte e risurrezione per lui stesso: morì una sua esistenza e un’altra nuova ne nacque con il Cristo Risorto.
He uses the word "conversione" throughout the audience.
It's interesting, I just had a discussion recently in 0yourgod with someone who argued that Scripture doesn't support the idea that Paul ever actually met Christ. Besides the obvious biblical support to the contrary, this would be a good post for her to read...
This is a great statement. I just wonder what the original text has for the word translated as "conversion" here -- since "conversion" might actually be considered the correct term for the death and rebirth. At least, this is how the Greek is translated into English at Matthew 18:3 and Acts 3:19.
Do you mean the original biblical text or the original text of the pope's speech? I can definitely find the former, and I can almost certainly find the latter...
In questo senso non fu semplicemente una conversione, una maturazione del suo "io", ma fu morte e risurrezione per lui stesso: morì una sua esistenza e un’altra nuova ne nacque con il Cristo Risorto.
He uses the word "conversione" throughout the audience.
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