I seek guidance on Baptism

May 31, 2008 00:16

I will come clean, and for some reason I feel embarrassed to do so (even with the great anonymity of the Internet).

I have never been Baptized (I'm 21 years old at the moment). Part of my reasons are that I don't like to do something unless I understand it (especially in matters of the Spirit, I don't want to be doing any defaming/mockery) and also I don't have a church I really belong to at the moment, mainly due to the fact that when I go to church I have two, one in the college town and the other in my home town. Also, I have been raised Baptist, and as such Baptism isn't seen as essential to salvation.

I do desire to be Baptized, but the lack of a 'home church' is a big factor. My questions are, though: is baptism for salvation majorly a Scriptural assertion or a traditional teaching? (I realize the 'born of water and the Spirit' verse in John is a key verse). But most pressing to me at the moment is how do you regard the Holy Spirit and persons who have not been Baptized? I feel strongly convicted with the Holy Spirit at times, as far as I can tell. Does this conflict with baptism being necessary to receive the Holy Spirit, or is that a degree issue?

These probably seem like stupid questions from a degree, but I'm always learning.


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