This is just a thought for those who struggle with the authority (which we can distinguish from the literalism) of Genesis.
Let's assume, for the moment, that humankind indeed evolved from some species of ape. Let us therefore further assume that the account in the opening chapters of Genesis does not literally describe the origins of humankind,
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But then, I tend to see Genesis as basically 'explanatory mythology.' In other words, it answers questions that the individuals who wrote it had. "Why do we wear clothes?" is one of them. "Why do we fear, yet revere snakes?" and "Why are we clearly more intelligent than animals - more "God-like" as it were?" (Genesis 3:22)
I'm not so sure that the taboo about wearing clothes was universal - the other Middle Eastern countries were more loose in their sexual activities, so I can't imagine they were hung up on clothes. Even today, there are plenty of people who are nudists (and there were constant uprisings of such groups in the Medieval era) so the taboo is not really as universal as one might think.
And when you use the term "more likely," are you speaking mathematically? How would you go about calculating the probability of one conjecture compared with another? Have you interviewed any neanderthals about their shame issues? Any other clinical basis for your assertion? Sources?
If you only think of yourself in terms of biology, you will always be less than human. If you only think of yourself as a moral actor, you will only have the options of self-righteousness or condemnation. There is something about you that is neither biological or moral. What is it?
Seriously, I am the product of a long tradition. i speak english because I was born in England, not France or Italy.
Yet if you want to know why I go to Trinty Church in Upminster, nothing , not even psychology, will be able to answer that. I would say that i felt God call me there.
There isn't any other expanation . Like this soul I believe I have, God cannot be put in a test tube or pushed under a microscope or studied by mass spectroscopy to determine his exact nature.
I think that science, Like Politics, is distinct from religion. My faith certainly informs my political stance,and not the other way about. But it is two way traffic sometimes with faith and science. The two talk to each other on equal terms, and try no to tread on each others toes.
My Faith does not try to tell my Reason that it has to believe that which can be shown to be impossible, but then, Reason does not say that because it cannot see what Faith alone percieves, that Faith must be at fault here.
In fact, this soul/spirit/identity/relationship thing may be much more important to you and to God than biology or morality. So we need to somehow get you less hung up on the mechanics of life (biology) and the rules of life (morality) and more focused on the nature, purpose, story, and esthetics of life.
More specifically, what did Jesus preach? Did He preach biology? Did He preach morality? According to Jesus Himself, what was He called to preach?
(By the way, it always seems I end up finding and replying to your comments. It's not on purpose! hehe)
That's the difference between your theology and mine. You see love as based on everything else, I see everything else as based on love.
Jesus preached the Kingdom of God. This is not just about "love" as the term is commonly used -- but also repentance, holiness, salvation, ecclesiology, and eschatology. You make many presumptions about my person and my preaching, simply because I defend the faith. Someday, perhaps, you will judge the tree by its fruit.
2) LJ is not real life. It's words about real life.
3) You're not exactly a little ray of sunshine around here yourself.
4) You jumped down my throat the first time I ever posted here. So your problem with me has nothing to do with my history of posts. It has to do with some prejudice you have. You see everything through a veil of hate, and then talk about love. Who knows? Maybe you just hate Americans. Or Jews. Or pastors. Yes, I think that's it. You really have something against pastors. Ah well. Hope you get over that.
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