Today's readings are from
Is 1:10,16-20, Ps 50:6-9,16bc-17,21,23, Matt 23:1-12 Today's reading from the first chapter of the Prophet Isaiah begins by exhorting us to "Hear the word of the LORD," and to, "Listen to the instruction of our God." Hear and listen. It is important to recognize that these are two different functions. It is first by hearing that we come to know the word of God; but it is by listening that we come to truly understand. In the Gospel today Jesus points out the importance of observing all the things that the scribes and the Pharisees who have taken the chair of Moses instruct the people. These scribes and Pharisees have all heard the word of God, and so they have the superficial knowledge necessary to instruct the people in the Law. But Christ points out very clearly that while they have heard the word, they most certainly have not listened. Their hearts have not been penetrated, not been transformed by the Word which they have received. So while they are suited to instruct in the word of God, they are not the masters. The Word itself is the master, for Christ the Word tells us Himself, "You have but one Master, the Christ."
So how are our hearts transformed when we receive this Word? If we can trust the words of the Pharisees but not their actions, whose actions can we look to as one transformed by the Word? The Prophet goes on to tell us that in order to understand, and to see clearly the ways of the righteous man, we must, "Wash yourselves clean! Put away your misdeeds from before your eyes; cease doing evil, learn to do good. Make justice your aim: redress the wronged, hear the orphan's plea, defend the widow." So if we cleanse ourselves of our impurity, set our hearts on justice, we will prepare our hearts to be transformed by God.
Then how are we purified? How are our hearts made clean? The LORD Himself will do this for us. For the prophet then says, "Come now, let us set things right, says the LORD." Our hearts are turned away from God through sin, we are made impure. But the LORD will set things right. "Though your sins be like scarlet, they may become white as snow; though they be crimson red, they may become white as wool. If you are willing, and obey, you shall eat the good things of the land." It is Christ Himself, through His sacrifice on the Cross, Who purifies our souls. All that is required of us is that we be willing, and we obey. To be willing means to turn our hearts over to God, each day, every minute of every day, to pray without ceasing by constantly giving our will to God. To obey means to faithfully strive, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to do God's will, to follow the commands of the LORD, so that in following His Word, His commands, our hearts may be set aright, and we may find the happiness which is prepared for us, we may eat the good things of the land.
Peace in Christ,