The Mists of Avalon: good or bad?

Jan 18, 2008 20:09

I bought The Mists of Avalon the other day after reading some positive reviews about it. But today I looked it up on Wikipedia and read some disturbing things about its religious messages. Have any of you read it, and do you think it's an ok thing for a Christian to read?

Edit: Most people who have replied thought I was saying that I might not be comfortable enough in my faith to read fantasy books or that I'm opposed to feminist themes. But the thing that made me wonder if this was a good book to read is this part of the Wikipedia entry. It quotes the author as saying:

"...Since the appearance of the novel, many women have consulted me about this, feeling that the awareness of the Goddess has expanded their own religious consciousness, and ask me if it can be reconciled with Christianity. I do feel very strongly, not only that it can, but that it must... So when women today insist on speaking of Goddess rather than God, they are simply rejecting the old man with the white beard, who commanded the Hebrews to commit genocide on the Philistines and required his worshippers daily to thank God that He had not made them women."


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