Dec 06, 2007 17:02
Lately I've been thinking about morality and its effects and now i have some questions:
how do you define absolute morality? does absolute morality automatically lead to judgment of actions? does judgment of actions lead to judgment of people? does the bible say to hate sin? if so, does that contradict jesus saying that hate is murder and always wrong? is it possible to hold to a standard of absolute morality yet treat those who don't hold to that standard in loving, kind, compassionate way? is 'love the sinner, hate the sin' biblical? is it possible in practice? do you think that there is a middle ground between strict moral absolutes and moral relativism?
i don't expect anyone to have any complete answers, and i'm not looking for any particular answer to these questions. heck, i can only begin to answer a few of them myself. i'm looking for your thoughts and opinions.
being christian,