Jun 22, 2007 22:15
I had my first flute lesson with Jill Swetnam yesterday. It went really well - I really like her and I think we can conquer a lot of my problems. I hope this keeps up.
We've decided to work on the Hindemith - 1st and 3rd movements. I'm excited about it, I really like the piece. It's so modern and strange and neat!
I really hate TV. I'd like to buy one and throw it out of a window.
My fingers feel like they suddenly got arthritis and it hurts so bad. Anytime I hold something, such as a coffee cup, for a few minutes or so, my fingers hurt so bad when I let go of it. I have to push them back in to place, it hurts. My right shoulder is also hurting - on my chest and my back. It's so strange... I shouldn't be sore from anything, I haven't been doing any exercise at all, I've just been sitting around wasting my time and getting fat. I occasionally move around to practice things... but it hurt so bad after playing flute about 30 minutes. My shoulder was killing me. Maybe I'm getting a virus or something? But do viruses make you sore? I don't even remember.
I've been playing Monopoly a lot lately and I've discovered that I can't count, at all. I suppose I've been using a calculator too much. Blah. I can do all the 'hard' stuff we're taught in math, but I can't do simple things like make change. Ick. I'm going to suck at life.
Bah, my wrist is starting to hurt.