I'm Mostly Afraid of Being Wrong

Jan 19, 2007 21:42

I don't want to try anymore.  Simple tasks scare me.  Tell me to go unlock the double doors, I'll weasle my way out of it because I'm afraid I'll do it wrong.  I've discovered one of my worsts fears is being wrong.

Being wrong with big, complex stuff doesn't bother me.  If I miss a note in my 11 page Toccata, no big deal.  I was reluctant about typing that sentence, though, because I'm afraid I spelled "Toccata" wrong, but I typed the sentence and I'm not going to dictionary.com (which is on my task bar, by the way) to look it up.  I'm keeping it there, wrong or not.

I can't do simple things.  Complex things aren't a problem.  Simple things frighten me.  If I had nightmares (which I did, of pepper and hallucinations), they would most likely involve simple tasks.

I can't do simple things, because I'm afraid I'll be wrong.  We can't have that happening now, can we?
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