Jan 11, 2007 14:17
Yey! I am finally back here at school with awesome wireless high speed internet! I seriously can't stand the dial up we have at home, i just wish my parents could get it anywho. I have been unpacking for about two hours now, and I am still not done, it is like I took my entire house and dumped it into my apartment lol! Anywho, I am so glad to be back here at school. I really missed it. I am glad to be out of the cigarrette smoke! I do have to go back sunday though, because I am attending a party, but then register and get my books monday, and whamo i start tue! so yeppers! but for now, i better finish unpacking! I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed weekend! Comment me anytime because I am a college student and I am on the internet all the time! Blessings ^_^