Christian streaming service alternatives, and The Chosen

Nov 22, 2020 19:19

Hey, everyone. :)

Since many of us are spending more time at home than ever, and given some recent controversies with streaming services like Netflix, I thought it might be a good time to mention some excellent Christian streaming alternatives that have appeared online. The links are below. :)

Christian Cinnema - This is an excellent streaming service with a lot of wonderful Christian and family friendly movies and a lot of purchase options. You can buy or rent movies individually, or you can purchase a “Giving Membership” for $24.99 annually which gives you up to five free rentals a month (that means up to 60 free movies a year), as well as other benefits, and the memberships help provide clean water to people around the world.

RedeemTV - This is a free streaming service with a good number of Christian movies. The production value of the Christian movies can vary sometimes, but if you’re especially particular about that, there are a number of high quality productions available as well. They also have documentaries and children’s programming, and the site allows you to interact with other viewers through forums and comment sections. You can unlock even more content by making a donation.

The Dove Channel - Suggested by ramblin_rosie. She says it is "another free streaming service with options for on-demand and live viewing. It's available online, through its own app and through Tubi, and as a channel on Pluto TV."

Yippee - Yippee is a subscription service specifically centered around children’s shows and the needs of families. The cost is the same as Netflix, though you can try out the site first with a 7 day free trial.

And last, but by no means least:

The Chosen - The Chosen is “the first-ever-multi-season TV show about the life of Jesus.” While it isn’t a streaming service specifically, the creators of The Chosen are working to give as many people free access to the show as possible with a “Pay it Forward” initiative through their app. They invite anyone to watch through the app, and then, if they are able and wish to, they can pay so that others might also watch for free. Season 1 (8 episodes) is complete and is also available on DVD if you’d rather watch that way. You can also find livestreams of the episodes on The Chosen Youtube channel, which includes lots of behind the scenes content, interviews, and updates.

I genuinely cannot say enough about this show. It is absolutely incredible. The writing and directing are fabulous, as is the quality of the show in general. It is one of the best things I have ever seen, Christian or otherwise, and it brings the scriptures to life in a way that other Christian productions haven’t. They really are reaching people for Christ, both inside and outside of the church.

They are currently filming season two (with a lot of extra precautions due to COVID, including frequent testing for the cast and crew). If you have not seen it already, please go check it out. You won’t regret it. :)



Edit: If you know of any others that I've missed here, please let me know, and I will add them. :)

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