Fic: Frightfully Keen (PG, Girl Genius AU)

Dec 03, 2015 21:26

Title: Frightfully Keen
Author: San Antonio Rose (ramblin_rosie)
Rating: PG for brief non-explicit married people stuff
Fandom: Girl Genius
Spoilers: A bit of conversation borrowed from Agatha Heterodyne and the Siege of Mechanicsburg (Vol. 12)
Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with Studio Foglio in any way, and this story is not known to or approved by the good Professors.
Genre: Humor, romance
Pairing: Gil/Agatha
Type: AU, timestamp to De Profundis
A/N: Warning for newlywed sappiness.

Summary: In which Gil and Agatha take an extended honeymoon, Zeetha invents a new act, Tarvek fails to be above it all, and Mechanicsburg accidentally gains a new industry.

( Those magnificent men in their flying machines... )

fandom: girl genius, genre: girl genius romance, author: ramblin_rosie

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