Chronicles of Narnia: A Queen Reborn (PG-13)

Dec 30, 2010 21:21

Title: A Queen Reborn
Chapter: One~ Left Behind
Author: belle_of_narnia
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: The Chronicles of Narnia
Spoilers: If you haven't read the book series, especially The Last Battle. I do have it set in movie'verse, but am using the events that happened in the final book.
Disclaimer: I am not C.S. Lewis, I do not own any rights to the Narnia books.
Genre: angst, eventual romance
Pairing: Eventual Susan/OMC
Type: WIP
Summary: Susan tries to cope with her unimaginable tragedy. During this dark time a young religious man enters her life and shows her a life beyond the superficial world she had created for herself to forget Narnia.
A/N: Not beta'd. I thank and owe God for any gifts he has given me. Dedicated to my mother, miss you.

She did not take the news well, nobody would. Family dead. Friends dead. She was hysterical at first. The overwhelming reality that she was to face the world alone, completely alone. She couldn't bear it, so she went completely numb, it was the only way to bear it. Things needed to be done. Family friends and associates needed to be notified and funeral arrangements made.  Five caskets for her parents and siblings.

Pale and exhausted she bore the funeral process. The girl who loved make up and expensive jewels, now found them heavy on her skin. The whole day was a blur. People offered condolences, but they felt hollow to her. How could they understand? How could they remotely feel how she feels?

Susan felt hollow, yet overwhelmed with a deep, deep pain. She was now a shell of the person she used to be. Susan was no longer like them. She wasn't someone's daughter anymore, someone's sister, someone's cousin.

After the burial service she was utterly exhausted. Susan was able to sleep a bit because of it. It wasn't an easy rest and she woke up screaming and wanting to die. The numbness was gone and reality was hurting so very much. One of her father's friends had stayed, fearful for the young woman's sanity.

He couldn't calm the hysterical Susan down and after an hour decided to take her to the hospital. They gave her Valium and she fell asleep.

" I don't know what to do for the poor thing. I can not watch her around the clock and I fear for her mental state. She has no one."  The family stated to her doctor.

"We'll observe her the next few hours and then take it from there. We have a psychiatrist coming to evaluate her and there is a chaplain here as well, I'll have him drop by as well." said the Doctor.

Susan woke up, her eyelids heavy.

"You're awake." a male voice said.

Susan groaned. "Where am I?"

"The hospital. You had a bad night."

Susan looked at the young man talking to her. Light brown hair and blue eyes. His attire showed him to be a nurse.

"When can I leave?" Susan asked, dryly.

"That's up to the doctors. They just want to make sure you will be okay. This might be the best place for you to rest and regroup. There's also a chaplain here. His name's Terrence, he's my mentor." The nurse's eyes gleamed as he talked.

"You're mentor?" Susan asked.

"I consider him my earthly mentor, but yes, my mentor. I'm Samuel, by the way."

"So you're, what ,religious?"

"My life is devoted to Christ, yes." Samuel answered.

Samuel looked at Susan and could see her cynical expression. "I understand you must blame him for your tragedy, but this wasn't his doing. They are in their true home now with him."

"And I'm left here, all alone."

"It's not your time. You have more you need to experience, to learn, to grow. It will make you all the better when you are reunited again."

"Do really believe that?" Susan asked, unconvinced.

"Yes, I do. Even though you may shut him out, he is there waiting for you."

"I thought this was a hospital not a church." Susan said, coldly.

Samuel sighed deeply. He knew she was in a great deal of pain. "I'm sorry if I made your pain worse, but I'm not sorry for letting you know that though you may feel abandoned, you haven't been. I'll let them know you're awake."

When he left she wrapped herself tightly in her blanket. She disagreed with him. She had been abandoned, left behind.
Left to face this world, that now felt so cold and vacant, alone. Forever alone.

genre: chronicles of narnia angst, genre: chronicles of narnia tragedy, rating: pg-13, fandom: chronicles of narnia, author: belle_of_narnia

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