(no subject)

May 19, 2009 15:37

Random thought of the day #1: So the "for Dummies" books...they've been a huge set of sellers for a long time now, and thumbing through one, I can see most of the reason why. The material is formatted in a very easily digestible manner (to admittedly the point of near condescension while still striving to be upbeat and friendly) and is for the most part structured well, written in "plain English", etc.

However, why has no one come up with the similar sort of series for, well, not dummies? Where is the "cooking pasta for the educated individual" or "learning to speak Russian for a relative intellectual"? They don't need to be overly verbose, dense, or pedantic. Just contain a bit more detail, gloss over the ultra-basics a bit more...Basically, just give the same information a non-"for dummies" book would contain, but do it in a similar style (plain English, bullet points, etc.). I wonder if those would be popular at all. And I'm also 100% sure that many people prior to me have wondered the same.
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