Oct 10, 2007 22:46
I'm really tired of alot of things going on right now... in this current moment and in the past weeks...or months...years....
Why is it that you can put yourself out there, thinking in your head that you have it all planned out, expecting what you want to happen, realize that it's NOT all in your control, and continually be surprised about it?!
...In a way letting yourself down, because your expectations weren't met??? And yet it's always a slap in the face... that things don't always go as you want them to or expect them to, even though it ALWAYS happens. Why do we always act so surprised? "Expect the unexpected." Yet when the unexpected hits, we can't believe it.
There are other people with their own individual feelings, dealing with moments and days in their own way, however they've learned to, with whatever cycle they have learned (if they've learned one...or two...), and maybe, just maybe, the way they treat you, or they way they respond to any given word, sentence, action, etc isn't going to line up to the way you have it all planned out in your head.
I don't have to let myself deal with certain attitudes, responses, let-downs, etc. But at the same time am I making myself upset by setting myself up continually, because what I expect isn't always what happens?