Jul 21, 2006 08:29
"I gotta get out of this town."
I am so tired of everyone thinking that if they run away from where they are things will be better. The grass is most definetly not always greener. Guess what? There are people everywhere. It's not about the location, it's about the population. You leave Spencer... you leave East Brookfield.... you're still going to meet assholes and people who screw you over and take you for everything you have and rob you of who you are and lie and cheat their way into your life just so they can stab you in the heart and twist the blade.
The fact of the matter is we are all human and there are humans everywhere and we are all similar in our behaviors. So does that mean we constantly blame where we are and pick up and leave everytime life sucks? Do we abandon eachother? No. We learn how to deal with the problems, how to fix them, how to change. It's progress, not perfection. We lean on our true friends and we love eachother.
And another thing... why do we need to look good on paper? Why do we compare ourselves to the standards of society? We have to have diplomas and degrees to really BE something? What about the rest of us? Are we less because we don't have as much money? ..because we didn't go to Yale? Because we go to the food pantry? I refuse to believe the lies that society feeds us. I would rather be defined by how I lived, how I loved... how I gave. Fuck Harvard. Fuck your vocabulary and you're knowledge of American history. Do you beat your children? Are you a fucking scumbag outside of your classroom?
I am tired of snobs. I am tired of people constantly wanting to run away. We need to learn to live with eachother. Whether you like it or not there are humans inhabiting every inch of the inhabitable parts of earth, and there is nowhere else for you to go!
....Sometimes I don't know what gets into me. But I do know this...I love you all. Despite the world and the behaviors in it... because we all mess up, and we are all human.