Jan 05, 2005 22:54
So break is almost done; well kinda. I got back the 18th. I kinda wish it was sooner. Like next monday. But oh well. It's been a pretty good break though. I think the only downer is spending so much time with mom. Like I love her and everything, but once you live away from her for so long, complete immersion is hard. Around the holidays we were together A LOT and it just got to be too much. But things are getting better now. This week I've spent a lot of time with friends, and out of the house, so that's helped. Monday I spent the day with Anna which was nice. I was supposed to hang out with Derek Monday night, but he wasn't feeling well, so we re-scheduled for Tuesday. Tuesday I slept in, then Trent and Anna came over to watch The Passion. After that we hung out for a bit, and then I went to Derek's around 7pm. Hung out there till midnight, then called it a night. Actually I stayed up and chatted with Dan, and wrote an email. Good times. I stayed up to late though. I slept in way late today which prolly wasn't good cuz mom was home. She had off this morning, but oh well. I got up, ate, and then showered. I then drove us to Costco to get tires for the van. I drove cuz mom had to put her make-up on. So then we went to the post office, and came home. She went to work. Being we got new tires on the van, mom's gonna let me drive to St. Cloud tomorrow! :) But yeah, Dad came home and we ate, then Alicia picked me up and we went to bible study and then the youth. It was a super good time. :) I love being at church. It's fun. So after that I came home which leads to now. Tomorrow I have to get up, pack, and then mom and I leave for St. Cloud around 1pm. Although I'm guessing we won't leave till around 2, but that's just me. We'll be spending the night at Grandma's and coming home in time for mom to go to work at 2:30. Friday night I get to go to the Refuge up at church. Should be a good time. If anyone wants to come, they should call. It'll be a great time! :) I'm excited. But yeah. I think that's enough details of my life for now. I could go on, but I'm sure I'd just bore you, so yeah! That's all for now! :) I hope all of you who have to go back to school had a great break! Those of you who are still off, give me a call and we'll hang out before it's time to go back! Although Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and part of next Wednesday are booked. I gotta babysit in Foley for Paula and Brian. Other than that I'm free!!!!
Goodnight all!
~God Bless~