Nov 07, 2013 00:01
So we first thought the world was ours and all for the taking. We grabbed, clawed, fended, and protected whatever we thought was rightfully ours (mainly because noone told us to not to anyway). We picked locations, people, colour, race, and formed our own 'identity'. Everyone had to be part of one. You were either somewhere down South Aussie or rocking it in the LA. wherever it was, you had an identitiy. Then the power people came in and stated pushing for power, rallying people up, telling them how things should be run and what they'd do if they were govrnr. Then ran the first official election between voters in the history of mankind. Apart from honest Abe and the other few good politicians, I think i was just fascinated at how the world fell on its knees to the largest corporate scam of the century which invovlved the Federla Reserve Banks. The Corporate greed thate everyone seemed to be so blinded by. But i suppose with all that swagger talk, I would have fallen for the same old bucket. The first official problem I feel that started this great nation and kept it going ever since was when they they agreed to repaid its debt. Because , let's just be fucking honest. it, never happeneed. Theories were explored or was about to it but it just couldn't add up and it still can't. You cannot simply possibly pay $17 Trillion dollars back like it never happened. So, I guess the guy we use to complain about across us, seems like he's the only smart mother fucker who'd help us out. It's the smart thing to do right? Or would it not since. The biggest ownder of the Social Security Trust Fund belongs to China. If you're American, I'm afraid it means mostf of your retirement money. is gone. Or I wouldn't say gone. Reinvested. Put Elsewhere. Actually maybe gone. And you know the saddest part of this crisis is.
We had a choice, what to value and what not to value. whether to value our lives or the money that determined what valued us.
Good Job.