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Mar 24, 2005 21:03

Hey Guys I was just sittin here so I thought that I would update!... lol.. Well I havent updated in forever so here it goes.. haha what I remember!

Friday- I went and spent the night with david.. we had alot of fun..lol.. We were both a little scared because he had been to see the ring with amber and I was just scared because I kept hearing things.. haha.. we went to bed about 2.. and that was that.. hah..lol

Saturday- I went with David to get his haircut that morning.. and we stopped and got something from dairy queen and then he took me home.. I think that may have dont some chores and then I just slept all day.. That night I talked on Icq and then went back to bed.. haha

Sunday- I went to church. I dont think that I did much of nothing that day either.. I went to a birthday party at 3 and then my dad came home from a 4 wheeler ride so I whatced some pictures he had taken and stuff like that.. Then I think that I called and talked to Amber (copper).. And then I went on to bed about 10:30!.. haha

Monday- Haha I had to go to school.. I wasnt that bad for a monday though!..

Tuesday- I went to school. And then about 1:00 or something my dad came and checked me out because I had a doctors appointment in Kingsport.. haha.. Everything went ok. So I am happy about that!.. Then after that we went to the mall and I got me, david, and Amber some clothes.. Then that night, David and Amber came and checked on me.. - I have such great friends=)- Then me and my dad had to go get something from my moms work and then I came back here and just layed around and then eventually went to bed!.. haha

Wednesday- I went to school, it wasnt that bad because we were getting out for spring break so it was our last day!.. haha.. I had a big math test though and it was hard!.. but 3rd block we got to whatch a movie!.. haha.. Then david brung me home.. I went to Church that night, we were suppose to have play practice, but we have alot of ppl that go to our chuch just to hang out, and they would not participate and it was very upsetting..Some of us got mad.. So guess what? We arent having our play because of them stupid dorkS!!.. haha

Today- Today was good.. I think that I got up about 10 because amber called... Then about 1:30 David came and got me and Me, David, and, Amber all went to the bowling alley.. Shew we had some good times today!.. haha.. Dont ever play hockey up there ppl it sucks butt!.. Then about 4 or something we all went to my moms work and snacked  and just hung out, then about 5 we went to little ceasars and got some food, We came back here and ate, and then me and Amber (copper) went and rode fourwheelers!.. haha gosh we had so much fun!.. David did want to come with us because he wrecked one, and he was afraid!.. lol.. Then we came back inside and hung out and then they went home about 8:45..But, David is comin to spend tha night later.. so I guess tha day isnt completely over yet.. haha

Tomarrow- I dont really know what I am going to do yet.. I dont think that I will do anything with david and amber because they are going somewhere or something!.. haha.. So I will probably just have a day to myself =(.. but Ill find something to do.. lol

- Then I just dont know what is going to happen the rest of the weekend.. but I always have fun.. so !.. .haha.. I know Monday, That David and Amber are planning to do something with me .. so that Will always be fun..Welp I am gonna go .. I think that this is the biggest update!.. haha.. so leave me some comments.. I never get any any more.. I want to get off the number 4..! haha..!


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