7 Crossovers~ Another Day, Another Dollar

Aug 04, 2006 05:29

Title: Crossroads
Author/Artist: Christian2680
Claim: Marissa Cooper and Lucas Scott
Theme: Another Day, Another Dollar
Theme Set: #2
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own One Tree Hill or The O.C.

I am fully aware that Dan did not die in the fire, but he did here. I didn’t need him or want him in the story.

Another Day, Another Dollar

Marissa walked up the driveway toward the beautiful mansion that her aunt Deb lived in. Marissa had heard that Deb’s husband Dan had died in a fire. Marissa had only met her uncle Dan once and didn’t like him much.
Marissa knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer it.

Deb opened the door, “Marissa! You’re here!”

“Hey!” she said hugging Deb. “You look great.”

“Thanks, you look great as usual.”

“Thanks. Where’s Nathan?”

“Nathan moved out before Dan died, he lives with his wife Haley now.”


“Yeah, don’t ask,” grimaced Deb.

“Is she pregnant?”

“No, he say he loves her. Come on in.”


Lucas walked up the driveway toward the mansion. He was only there to get the clothes Deb said he had left when he moved out of the mansion. He owed Deb a lot, she had decided to continue getting his heart medications for him.
He knocked on the door.
Deb opened the door, “Lucas, thanks for coming.”

“No problem, I didn’t even know I had left anything behind.”

“It’s no problem, but I figured you needed some of it.”

“Cool,” he smiled.

“I will go get the box, head to the kitchen and get yourself some fresh lemonade.”


Lucas walked toward the kitchen. When he got there he was shocked to see a girl in there reading a magazine. She was brunette, thin and cute. She was wearing a white spaghetti strap t-shirt and cut off blue jean shorts. She looked up at him, “Hi.”

“Oh, hi, sorry Deb said I could come get some lemonade,” said Lucas.

“Let me get it for you,” she smiled. “I’m Marissa, Deb’s my aunt.”

“I’m Lucas, Deb was my step-mother,” smiled Lucas.

“Dan was your dad? I didn’t even know he had another son.”

“He wasn’t exactly father of the year.”

“He and my mom should have hooked up then,” joked Marissa. “Here you go.”

Lucas took the lemonade from Marissa, “Thanks.”

Lucas walked over to sliding doors and peered out at the pool.

Marissa took the chance to check Lucas out. He had blonde hair that was cut very short. He was wearing a royal blue t-shirt and stone washed blue jeans. He looked like he worked out a lot. He had these muscles that showed through his t-shirt.
She took a sip of her lemonade and then went to stand by Lucas.

“So, what was your dad like?”

“He was a jerk basically. He only cared about basketball and money.”

“Yeah, sounds like my mom, another day, another dollar.”


Deb came in the kitchen carrying a box, Lucas turned and went to go get the box from Deb, “Let me take that.”


“I can’t believe I left this much behind.”

“You packed in a hurry, it happens. But check out the first one, you’ll see why I called,” smiled Deb.

Lucas opened the box, he chuckled as he pulled out his basketball jersey, “Yeah, need this.”

“So you play basketball too?”

“Yeah, both Nathan and I are teammates.”

“Cool, I play some. Actually I used to be able to beat Nathan.”

“That isn’t much to brag about. I beat him all the time,” joked Lucas.

“Funny, but seriously, if you want to play sometime, let me know.”

“Will do,” smiled Lucas. “Thanks for the lemonade Deb, but I need to go. Keith is expecting me to help him at the shop today.”

“See you around Lucas,” said Marissa.

“Yeah, see you around.”

To be continued…
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