Deadly Sins Challenge ~Sloth

Jul 25, 2006 03:25

Author: christian2680melodie568
Fandom: One Tree Hill
Characters/Pairing: Lucas Scott and Brooke Davis
Prompt: Sloth
Word Count:
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: We do not own One Tree Hill.
Author's Notes:none


I was reading in my behavioral sciences class yesterday about how certain can be lazy when it comes to doing certain things. They call it being sloth, no not the animal. I didn’t know what it truly meant until now. I had every opportunity to tell Brooke about my feelings for Peyton, but never did. Part out of not wanting to hurt, part out of fear that she would think I never loved her at all.
That could be further from the truth. I did love Brooke at one time, but at some point, I lost respect for her. How can I respect someone who cheapened themselves to the level that Brooke did with Felix? Friends with benefits, please, more like ‘Here I am free sex!’
I knew her self esteem was low because of what Peyton and me did the first time, but that was no reason to whore herself out.
Even at her lowest point Peyton never cheapened herself. I know she tried coke when Jake left, but she hasn’t tried since. Maybe I was wrong tonight to tell her I wouldn’t hurt Brooke for her, maybe I can finally make it happen with Peyton.
On the other hand, maybe I’m just setting myself up for a huge fall. Either way, I’ve made a huge mess of things and I don’t know how to fix them.


I Brooke Davis am the laziest person in the world, at least it seems that way. I have got to move on past Lucas because he obviously doesn’t love me. I have tried to move on from him before like when I did the whole friends with benefits thing with Felix. I didn’t want to completely get together with him because I didn’t want to get hurt again. I was lonely though and needed someone to help me feel not so lonely. I always go the easy way out whenever I do things.
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