(no subject)

Aug 23, 2004 20:20

BLAH. I hate Mondays. SO, my olympic pins for Beijing 2008 that I bought on Ebay were totally mailed to me today. So that means I should be getting them this week! yay! and my shirt i ordered should be here soon too. I wanna buy something else with the Olympic insignia on it. But i dont know what else! Any suggestions? I saw a pin with Michael Phelps on it. And it crossed my mind, but idk. Anyways..
today at school was boring. Coach told me that I'm going to Refugio to play tomorrow. Blah. It should be fun I suppose. Even though I probably won't play. Rah. Oh well, I get out of school at like 3. So thats cool. And we get out all day Friday because of a tournament for JV/Varsity at Ray. So thats cool too.
HM thats all i suppose.
I should be doing homework.
BUt im not.
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