Friends Only

Feb 02, 2022 22:22

Why it's locked:
My journal is locked because I like to know who reads it. Plain and simple.

I'll probably not add people to this journal anymore. I've more or less stopped using it.

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from the memoirs memoirsofmadman January 8 2005, 09:06:09 UTC
"to the giver of the light, i ask only that you give the light to all who need it, even those whom you feel are unworthy of this gift. the the keeper of the darkest pit, i ask you only to give, to those who deserve the knowledge gained from the dark, the knowledge of the dark. for when nessesity drives the mind many accomplishments will come from the desire of escape. I ask both not to use their gifts as a punishment, put aside your biased points of view and your moralistic attitudes away for the sake of all. grant them what they need and give them not grief unneeded. For the benefit of those that will come after you, use your gifts with careful thoughts, and use them wisely." - the mad man.

those that ask for what they feel they are not worthy of ubtaining are only setting the limitations they expect for themselfs. when others step into their life they cannot then know what to expect, they can not knowingly, conciously choose to be free from those limitations until they free their minds from the abyss that surrounds the connections of all living life. a god doesnt ask a cockaroach what he feels about the creation of man. the unknown is there for a reason, when the time comes for connections to be made or broken they are, and so if you want the rantings and hidden knowledge or wisdom that only mad men can give, you may at your option make me your friend. i know not what will come from any conversation we may have, only that it will be new.

- the mad man.


Re: from the memoirs christhiane January 8 2005, 10:38:58 UTC
I looked carefully at the option of having your friendship. The prospect seemed agreable to me and therefore I accepted it.


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