Jul 29, 2019 12:09
The sinister side of what my mum did still haunts me.
I'd successfully protected myself from 2 Croydon employers gone bad back in 2001. Then my mum claimed that I 'accused people of things' and 'had taken drugs'.
The drugs is just ignorance, obviously, but... Trying to kill my ability to lodge a complaint is not cool. And then the neglect happened, as she went on the piss & went on holiday etc.
3-4 yrs later my legs blew.
At the same time she was wanting free things done around the house, as she spent fortunes on holidays & booze. Apparently it was her life. As I said in my previous there was no-one there when I needed help.
With the Dr's it was bad science, but mum was rather mercenary & emotionally violent. She had gone Thatcherite whilst I was at Uni, and had worked for Portillo. There's a photo of her with him.
I was 'put on ice' & then neglected. Causing further injury. I lost everything when that happened. Busted legs, & my PTSD still bad. And then my boiler gassed me on top of that.
Which is why I just can't be dealing with my family. I have little left now. I'd like to keep it. I had hopes & dreams once myself. As you do.
It's ok, she has a whole house worth of Equity up her sleeve. Last thing I did was insulate it for her, before I then pulled out to try & rebuild my own shattered life.
My own shattered life. Which I am still trying to rebuild because of this PIP hoo-hah. Is it any wonder that Disabled Dating is so difficult when we are so financially unstable AND medically unstable. Normal couples have their health, so the risks are less. Us injured people don't. Spot the problem.
I kept it peaceful, obviously, but I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to have a life too. She chose her money instead of me, and that changed things.
My shattered family. Because mum plays too rough. Which is how I can see it in the community ( my work skills ). It's because I've lived it.
i can haz hoomin rites?,
bluddy wimmin,
psychological wotsits,
bachelorman bachelorman does whatever a.,
typical english oppression,
the ss salty ctg yaharr!!,
by bizarre coincidence,
what part of 'disabled' did you not get?,
mos croydon,
i do not do politiks komrade,
croydon torys,
you're taking the piss right?,