have to say this show is really playing a high quality game.
It had me from Series 1, as it's all the classics whilst being a new tale; but... Now it's upped it's game. You'd expect Series 1 to be a bit introductory, but it was quality. Series 2 has just shifted into something really very cool.
I am finding I can relate to Ethan Chandler a lot. The man with a beast inside of him. Much as the whisky rumour is bollocks, and always was, I do have PTSD. Second time round too. A rough childhood, the spiking, and now the fresh batch of 'grumbles' I have.
That does mean there are various 'definitely not cute fluffy bunny-rabbits' emotions floating around inside me at present, but with my self-control so highly developed ( 20 years of Martial Arts and meditation ) I have my chain.
And part of it IS faith. If it's real and right in front of me, like nature is ( obviously ), then I have an anchor to help me stay in place when things get choppy. Like a Ship, parked just outside a port. I'm not in yet, but I feel safe enough should the weather turn. Hugging that tree can work out rather nicely.
The thing about my faith is that it is proper tribal. So I'm NOT a Vegan hippy. I have a sausage maker dammit! But that's because humans are omnivores. We eat meat, and have done for years.
The big bad wolf? Moi? Indeed. I do have my grumpy days, let's put it that way.
Yes I am familiar with firearms; but that was a long time ago, and only blank-firers for amateur-dramatics stuff ( before the ban ).
Indeed. Ethan. I have said before I'm a 'doggy' kinda guy before, even though I love my fuzzy-pusses.
Billies character is being played VERY well. And so is how Series 2 is going. In Victoriana madness was always seen as a 'true horror'. Having survived so much 'madness' ( the injuries, the actions of the people who harmed me so badly; I wasn't the only mad one, let's put it that way ) I do find it good to see these subjects being dealt with ( including the action of forcing madness onto others ). Yes, fine, magic isn't real ( obviously ); but deliberate intent is. Do not underestimate how evil some people will be to get their way. Penny Dreadful is showing that theme already.
People lie to make out an innocent person is crazy, so that they can then exploit them, in the real world. These 'witches' and 'wankers' ( a technical term ) are real, and will play some pretty nasty games to get what they want...
Series 2 is dealing with this subject.
Sir Malcolm is soooo in teh poops. Will he survive? How will he get out? Who knows?!
Vanessa Ives? A white witch, classically trained, with a great wardrobe and a thing for helping people find emotional happiness. She IS brill. I could do with one of those I have to say. Well, once my head is back on track anyway.
Yeah, life. There are so many great themes going on in this series. I am wary about the Frankenstein one though.
She is vulnerable. He made her. And now they're porking. Indeed.
Deep down I can't help but feel he should have kept his pants on. Cute or not ( her, obvs ) he has a power over her; and I think he moved too soon. She knows bog all about life ( due to the memory loss ), and if their relationship fails she may well be plunged into a real hell. Obviously he's also endangered her, due to the 'anger issues' of his first progeny that he now risks igniting, and he has no real defence-grid in place against that one yet.
Yeah, he should have waited until he was in a stronger place. But then he is young.
Also, much as I am not a gayer ( seriously, I can't watch the love scenes as they make me squick ), I am VERY pleased that our Dorian has met a hot bit of stuff. I believe in an inclusive society. I've watched gay's backs when they were in danger, even though there was no 'action' in it for me, back in the days of Section 28. It's a simple 'fairness' theme. A healthy community is a healthy community.
Again, a faith thing for me ( gays are naturally occuring; and you always need a spare set of parents in case the original parents die or... ), and it IS reflected in this show ( although I doubt Dorian will be adopting any time soon. He's too busy rescuing at this stage ). I can even relate to the emotions portrayed ( fear of love, not being accepted by society as you are different, how having to be different alone can cut REALLY deep ) by the actors ( I've had a VERY lonely and cruel life ), it is so well written.
All of it. So well written. And VERY well played.
They're really doing a good job here. This is some quality stuff.
Naturally this got me thinking about my own life. I am, of course, the White Witch out there healing people. I do, of course, love a decent bit of romance. And yes I do have my demons.
I think I'm doing the right thing in not dating until my head is in a more stable place. I still have trouble connecting with people. I get brief snippets of 'connection', but not a proper link yet. Thankfully those around me these days understand that; and their consistent behaviour and 'instinct for fairness' is certainly helping me. A healthy community, once again.
There are a couple of idiots, but they have been locked out. They think they're psychic, and naturally that is dangerous.
Obviously I have no Witch issue like the characters do at present.
Indeed. I'm gonna keep my pants on until my head is in a better place. That does seem to be the way forward. When I can feel a real connection with people again I'll know. Until then I am gonna play it safe.
You can tell I've been through this before ;)