In my head it's, well, getting a bit clearer as to what is going on.

Apr 09, 2015 17:51

he key themes from the Croydon women that did what they did were: 'Uncaring', 'Over-privileged/spoiled', 'sexist', and... It was always about them, and I had to 'get a job'.

I wrote an email to a new friend explaining some stuff. The dialogue is below:

What I was talking about on tuesday was how my head is messed up due to 12 years of bad experiences.

A girl gang cost me my home and marbles in Southampton in 2000. My own family then neglected me whilst I was injured ( they're all female as well ) after soton, and that broke my legs too.

And for the past 5 years I've had a Croydon girl-gang on my case bullying me. Yup, more emotional trauma.

12 years of abuse by women.

That's what I am afraid of. Violent and/or ridiculously demanding women. And I'm fuffing terrified of big drinkers too ( all bad-guys were ).

So yes, I have to somehow shake that. It's not easy. I'm only 1 year in to getting over it so... My mood has improved, but it's still taking it's time.

Not useful.

It's nothing you've done, but I find I have to really get used to people being around ( over a long time ) for me to start to trust. Once bitten twice shy etc.

Plus I tend to leave work at work, and home stays at home IYSWIM.

Anyway, hope all is well,


It's consumer culture isn't it? I had 3 jobs; but because I was injured I was seen as 'something to be thrown away', as I could not be 'upgraded further'. For 12 years.

When I had cash I had ladies trying it on. It's when my health failed that the cruelty and neglect begun.

English women? In some ways yes ( the Tory voter pattern ). Croydon women? Lazy and demanding if you ask me. They still see man as being the provider, but if a man is injured they can't be 'changed' so need to be binned.

'Marry him today, change his ways tomorrow' - Guys & Dolls.

And there was me thinking that exchanging sex for money was prostitution...

I also know full well that as soon as one latches on there is a good chance it'll slide into what they want. Their life, you having to do stuff for them whilst they go to the hairdresser, and having babies. It's a pretty common theme ( other men I know have had it as well ).

I don't want kids, and can't carry someone else. I have bog all to work with ( a Govt decision ), so get a job babe. No, a real job, not just 3 hours a day BLAH. Considered studying and being a career girl?

I like career girls.

Yeah, getting there. Not out of the doldrums yet, but I have a much better idea as to what is going on now. Knowing the terrain is half the battle.

i can haz hoomin rites?, scary shit, bluddy wimmin, elves+++, adaptation, moaning, relationships, psychological wotsits, bachelorman bachelorman does whatever a., the love life, typical english oppression, charidy mayte, in my defence..., counselling, mos croydon, what part of 'disabled' did you not get?, are you a real friend?, dealbreakers, friends and loved ones, i do not do politiks komrade, luxury, thoughts, you're taking the piss right?, important, mad as a box of frogs, personality trait, observations of a chav in it's habitat

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