I still don't get it.

Jul 20, 2014 11:53

ids eh?

Why on earth did Esther Sutton, Dean, Bossick, James, & Croydon Nick, do everything they could to protect a gang of psycho kids who need shutting down?
Shutting down for their own good I hasten to add, as if left to run out of control the only place they'll be heading is to jail.

It's obvious I'm not the only grass in Croydon, so why on earth would they do something so stupid. I bumped into one of these brats on Friday night at East Croydon. Thinking he's awl dat and that he controls the City Centre etc etc. Sound familiar at all?

The actions of Croydon Nick have empowered this gang. They have not cowed them into taking the hint and shaping up. The fall of the Black Sheep did not even dent their ego thing.

It's so bloody stupid.

Life is improving for me. My head is slowly sorting itself out, although I'm not there yet sadly. Work is work, and stuff is happening ( as is things ). And life is rolling on.

Not much more to report really. Which is obviously a welcome change. When I have nothing to moan about that means I am in a good head-space. Although this may seem weird to a reader of late, due to how this crap has been going on for 4-odd years.

4 years of fighting. Technically 12 years when you consider how bad Croydon is.

I think I know why Theanou and mum left me so poor for so long. They knew my pain, and did not record it. That doesn't add up unless they were up to something. Were they trying to cure me of my love of rock'n'roll by making sure I could not afford anything rock'n'roll? Deliberately isolating me from the world to break my mind so that they could reprogram me? It does make sense considering the sort of evil things mum has done to her children over the years.

Having me with a broken mind, obedient to her out of fear of more pain, is pretty much how she operates. I'm there to serve her in her old age. And she's violent enough to make sure she gets what she wants.

It's a good job I'm violent as well. She trained me after all. So I leave her with all that cash, make no claim to it, and she can look after herself.

She's my mother? She should have thought about that before doing what she did with Theanou then shouldn't she. She lost her rights when she violated mine.

I'm looking forward to The Police finally having words with her on that one, but I need to get to the bottom of this IPCC thing first to find out who has been lying to who. There's no denying I was tortured though. Isolated for so long that when I looked out the window I simply did not see anything I could interact with any more. And it's also obvious a ton of gosip was spread to hide what was really going on ( me being in 'solitary confinement' for days on end; and unable to go or do anything much, due to the abject poverty I'd been left in as mum swanned around in her new sports car and went on tropical holidays ).

I may have survived this 6 year ( it was about that ) ordeal; but my legs don't work properly now, so I think it's safe to say I took a serious injury. There may well be a case to answer criminally. Again, I'm waiting on IPCC info here.

Torys. There is not a shred of decency in them. It's just about power & control. Nothing more.

he said what-now?, counter-terrorism, moaning, psychological wotsits, the love life, typical english oppression, what fucking honour?, old fart putting the world to rights, wurkywurky, mos croydon, friends and loved ones, fun!, homophobic, you're taking the piss right?, mad as a box of frogs, nazi punks fuck off!, scary shit, i can haz hoomin rites?, bluddy wimmin, gossip, legal list, adaptation, relationships, bachelorman bachelorman does whatever a., moyder!, healthy stuff be warned, fybromy-hell-gia, counselling, are you a real friend?, by bizarre coincidence, i prefer sophisticated degenerate, what part of 'disabled' did you not get?, i do not do politiks komrade, thoughts, important, personality trait, grudge, observations of a chav in it's habitat, itchy & scratchy, hubris

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