A hunch.

Jun 26, 2010 21:50

Never trust someone who can't use and trust their own eyes. They're too naive and too easily lead.

Why do you think I hide from these morons?

Part of the Pandorical Parallel is how a number of gangs tag-teamed as they punched me down, one after the other, taking advantage of my medical condition every time. Wallop, steal what you can, and then just blame the illness. 'He's crazy, ignore him.' For a decade.

And now I'm so screwed I can't get out much. The hunch is really thus: If I was not delusional back then ( remember, they could not prove a damn thing and just made it up anyway ), and then got the crap kicked out of me for the next near decade by the local gangsters, then how do you make the complaint go away? I have years of records to defend myself remember... How do you get it to go away. He's never been sane ever? Everything he see's is a fantasy? Nothing is real? Apart from the bits I reliably see and record, with proof. So that one is clearly shit then...

By making me out to be delusional again? 'He's crazy, ignore him?' This ASBO neighbor thing has left me in pain for nearly a month now. Torture to get some kind of coincidence that looks 'real enough'? To steal the flat and leave the disabled person so screwed up they never see the light of day again? Torture does that you know. That's why it's fucking illegal.

That's the hunch. Make this go away by 'killing' the victim. Not exactly quality care eh?

You do the math, I'm chilling out after some very bad science *rolls eyes*.

Although I will add this. If it's really quite obvious literally none of this is lawful, and I've tried to talk to both Central Croydon and New Addo cop-shop, why has literally NOT ONE Copper raised the alert? Literally not one. None of the allegations are provable, so it's that bloody easy to pick this one apart. And my injuries have been extensive. I've even spoken to The Met cust services.

Nope, no action at all. This easy to prove, yet I have zero legal rights. Literally none. All Croydon Central ward I hasten to add. 1450 BNP votes. That must be one hell of a Crime Gang. Simply doing what The Hells Angels said etc etc. Hello!!! That'll be why th town collapsed then.

All the Bad-Guys are being let off by the local Rozza's, and this has not even got to The CPS yet. That usually doesn't read well. The CPS loves evidence to go through as well. And it's never been safe to ignore the mentally vulnerable...

I have no eject button. No way out, bar the street. They're really this nuts. And no-one is pulling them off no matter who I talk to.

In this town, if you are mentally injured, you have zero rights. None. Not even the right to not be punched. Which means you're looking at 100% mob rule. There's no other viable explanation as to why something this truly extreme and inhumane has been allowed to continure for 10 FUCKING YEARS. Even the cops are in on it. Hence why they're refusing to investigate. Making flimsy excuses and just getting stubborn. BNP Cops. Or corrupt. There's fucking loads of 'em though. 2 entire stations ignoring me? Hello!

I won't survive losing my home to gangsters again. So if this is where I die then you lot chose to kill me. What? It's actually true. And I'll die as noisily as I can, and expose you're utter cowardice and corruption even more. With a papertrail like mine it never goes away...

You put me in this box, and I can't get out alone. Someone has to let me out, that's how Psychiatry works. So... The ball is on your court. Someone has to get off their fat lazy arse and actually do something. If I run I'm still dead. As well as being dead ( disabled and homeless is usually bad ).

So I've got House Arrest, or death. Choices choices eh? You can only tell lies for so long before things start to collapse. And my medical records are really quite extensive now...

Whoever does investigate will get the catch of the Century let's put it that way ;)

o/~ ...to get on wiff me neybours... o/~, scifi & fantasy stuffage, the ss salty ctg yaharr!!, fybromy-hell-gia, mos croydon, what part of 'disabled' did you not get?, by bizarre coincidence, moving pictures, medeival stuff, you're taking the piss right?, psychological wotsits, observations of a chav in it's habitat, itchy & scratchy

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